002 Second Flight - Video (+Avengers filter)

May 18, 2011 12:35

[Here he is at last, on video, Clark Kent holds it at a slightly jaunty angle, and after a little adjustment this way and that manages to get his face and shoulders into view. He's in dull, khaki brown, an oversized duster slung over the top of a smarter looking dark suit and white shirt. A red tie is the only homage to his true colours. The glasses are the real trick, though. Big, dark framed, they break up the outline of his face and make him almost look like a different person.

Sort of the point.

He beams like an idiot when he gets the eyeline straight, and raises his hands as he backs off, the NV obviously set down on a desk.]

Got it. About time, too. [An embarassed sort of pause as he adjusts his glasses, then shoves his hands into his duster pockets.] It turns out I've had the lens cap on all this time. I know, right? Who has a lens cap on a mobile phone? Me, apparently. I think I get some kind of Darwin award for taking as long as I did to work that one out.

Anyway, since a few of you were so interested, I thought I'd at least say hello properly. You know, face to face. It didn't feel right otherwise.

I found out that it's fruit picking season when I went looking for work. Seems like it came early here. Still, I'm not going to complain, it's good for a part time job, even if it is nothing on the Planet. I don't suppose anyone wants to come with me? The pay's not great, but...well, it's not great. [A shy laugh.] Something everyone ought to do once in their lives, though.

[Avengers filter - Voice]

[Maybe a half hour later, Clark has his filter working, and it's time to meet and greet. His voice almost sounds heavier, more serious, confident, and if not for the ident on the call it might seem as though it were a different person from the derpy journalist that spoke before. It almost - technically - is.]

Thought I should at least introduce myself if I'm going to be working with you. I don't suppose there any chance of a role call?

c: carrie kelley, c: roxas, c: bruce wayne | batman, !: clark kent, c: peter petrelli, c: hope estheim, c: raven

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