news feed; Friday, November 4th, 2011

Nov 04, 2011 03:40

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Weather Sunny and clear, with cloudy periods in the late afternoon. High 9°C and a low of 2°C (48deg;F/35°F)

Current Moon Phase: First Quarter

Morning sirens go off at 8:09 am, and evening sirens are at 5:42 pm.

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-Halloween Sabotage Investigations Continue
After all of the mayhem that came with Halloween, investigations into the numerous little mishaps and troubles came up short this week. Tully DeDrago, whose party was sabotaged by poison, took matters into his own hands when the police couldn't seem to give him any solid answers. He had his own personal team of investigators look into the issue and found one link between all of the cases: people had bought costumes from a Halloween Warehouse in the 8th Sector

The owners denied any sort of foul play, but the business went under a formal investigation two days ago. The costumes were found to have been bewitched, leading the wearers to adopt the physical and personal traits of the outfits and roles they were dressing as. The business has since been shut down while investigations proceed. If all of the cases can be linked back to the store, then they are looking at accessory to multiple counts of theft, kidnapping, attempted murder, assault, battery, and breaking and entering.

- ...And Won't Come Down.
Suzanne Delacroix, aged 64, died last night on a roof. The cause of her death is unknown, as she was not suffering any illness and police have ruled out an attack from the Darkness.

"It just doesn't make sense," says Kevin, eldest of her two sons. "I saw her last week and she was fine!" Suzanne was staying with his brother while her apartment was being renovated. Kevin says they have a cat, and that she may have been on the roof trying to get it back inside. The cat in question also died during the Darkness but it is uncertain if the deaths are linked.

Suzanne will be waked at the Beauchene Funeral Home in Sector 6 on Sunday.

- Lawyer Assaulted, Booze Trial Delayed
Yesterday's preliminary hearing for the case of the People of Siren's Port vs. AGI was postponed after an incident in front of the courthouse involving Prosecutor Diego Armando. On his way to the courthouse, Armando was assaulted by two armed men. Witnesses report seeing a scuffle between the Newcomer lawyer and one of the suspects broken up by an unidentified good samaritan, though the situation quickly spiraled out of control and became a standoff with the prosecutor held hostage.

Fortunately, the situation ended with both suspects knocked unconscious and under arrest. Armando was whisked to Skye Medical Center with minor wounds and released late last night. The prosecutor was unable to be reached for comment, though has gone on record stating that the incident was "only a minor setback" and that the charges against AGI will continue as planned, once the hearing is rescheduled.

The two suspects were identified as Gregory Chalker, 33, and Bronson Hardy, 30. Hardy has no prior criminal record, however, Chalker has done time for drug dealing and armed robbery before-- coincidentally, with Armando having prosecuted him for those crimes. This is only one of the several motives being investigated for the incident, and police stress that the real motivation behind the assault is still unclear.

-For Sale Antique wood burning stove, comes complete with a FREE set of cast iron cookery, a unique original from Missionsworth settlement! Our historic Sector 6 cottage near Versaid Lake park is getting a family room remodel, and this fantastic piece must go by the weekend! Appraised at $2200. A beautiful, warming addition to any home! Must arrange for pick-up by Sunday. Make an offer, otherwise we will be donating to Siren’s Port Historical Society.
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