May 29, 2010 00:08
{The girl's voice coming through the NV is a little overloud, nervous; the voice of someone roughly oriented but still completely unprepared, really.}
Hey! That guy was telling the truth, right? This does connect to other people, right? We all just showed up here? It can't be right, they told me I'd -
{abruptly, she sniffles a little.} I thought I was going to get to go home! I thought they said I could go back... I don't know why...
{she sniffs again, and the embarrassment of that decides her. game face is a go, but switching to text will help more - so text it is from here on out.}
How many people are here? Where are you all really supposed to be, if we've all been brought here like this?
I'm supposed to be in Shibuya! None of this is right at all!
c: suou tamaki,
c: nara shikamaru,
c: roxas,
c: shiroe rei seki,
c: miles edgeworth,
†: shiki misaki,
c: vincent nightray,
†: ohtori kyouya