[The feed turns on to reveal a single steel blue eye fixed on the camera lens. The video then is turned away from her, steadily, and films for a precise three seconds a patch of ground two meters away. The camera is then turned back, this time slightly further back, allowing a woman to be revealed, curled blonde hair loose and untidy about her face
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Whichever Greeter it was, they apparently aren't doing their job properly. Welcome to Siren's Port.
[There is a long pause, as she considers this information. Big Boss. Their replacement for her; her son. And now from him, his sons. To use when he in turn is gone. The world is a cruel place.]
There can only be one Boss and one Snake.
[He hadn't heard her name yet, after all.]
[Beat. Snerk.]
There's more than one of us. Snakes, that is.
Now you know.
But not through any choice of his own.
Yes, it does seem so.
Counting Father there are three. And no. Not through his own choice.
[Hard to make decisions when you're in a coma, dude.]
And you were used against him?
[As much as he'd wanted to.]
There is no end to the ouroborous, it seems. The snake consumes itself.
[Jack, what did they do to you?]
[Liquid's voice was thoughtful and the faint sound of pacing footsteps could be heard.]
I gather Brother hadn't even known who Father truly was... until they met as enemies.
[The man who had trained him, taught him everything... and Snake had killed him. What did that mean, he wondered? If he had desired to kill the man out of vengeance, had Snake done it out of necessity? Or rage?]
You're unsure? Are you aware of the details of his death?
I was, unfortunately, not there at the time. I've read the files, researched what I could find. Brother prefers not to talk about it.
Would you have prevented it?
...back then? No. Father had long since lost what mind he had.
[Break the cycle?]
What do you mean? 'Lost his mind'?
[A pause. This was dangerous territory.]
He became a terrorist and tried to use a giant robot equipped with a nuclear weapon. Despite having trained Brother, he arranged for Brother to be sent in against him without knowing who the perpetrator was, and attempted to eliminate him. By that time, frankly, he was out of his mind. From what I've seen, he even stopped his work on rehabilitating child soldiers into society - and used them to protect himself instead. Not to mention the hamsters.
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