Fellow newcomers of Siren’s Port,
The following is a basic list, using simple terminology, of what are considered criminal offenses in this city. This list is neither exhaustive nor conclusive, but should serve as a basic foundation for what behaviors are considered unacceptable by the legal system here. This compilation is also not intended to be patronizing, but rather, clarifying. While some of you may have come from worlds where these very same acts were known to be illegal, many others did not. So I would implore you to hold onto your complaints if you have them and not to waste time that could be used to help others understand what they are being informed of.
• The act of intentionally killing another person. Intent in this case means that the perpetrator intended the action to cause the death of the victim, or the perpetrator’s intended actions ran a high risk of causing death to the victim.
• The act of causing the death of another person, but without the intent. Such examples of how this can occur include negligence, where a lack of action results in the death of another person, as well as provocation, where the perpetrator was provoked to commit the homicide - in this case, it must happen before the perpetrator’s temper has time to cool, as otherwise it would be classified as murder.
Assault and battery
• Assault at a criminal level is an act with the intent to cause harmful or offensive contact to another person without their consent, or placing them under the impression that such behaviour is about to occur.
o Sexual Assault
An assault of a sexual nature; the term rape is used when said sexual assault includes sexual intercourse.
• Intentional act that is intended to and does result in aforementioned harmful or offensive contact.
Property crimes
• Taking another person’s property without consent, with the intent to deprive the proper owner of its use.
• Like theft, but with the threat or use of force.
• Trespassing into another person’s property with the intent to commit a crime.
Blackmail and Extortion
• The act of making demands of another person with the threat of releasing potentially incriminating information about the other person that is perceived to be true.
• Making demands for payment, goods or services through coercion. Coercion in this case being influencing another person’s behaviour through psychological manipulation, intimidation or torture.
As I said, this is not a complete list of every action that is considered a crime here in the city, but I knew if I made this message too long, no-one would read it, which would quite the defeat the point of broadcasting it at all. I simply chose some crimes that have been repeatedly committed recently, or have a heightened tendency to occur in this sort of environment.
If you have any questions about anything outlined above, or any of the laws of the city, do not refrain from asking and I will answer your question to the best of my ability.
Ignorance will not and never will be accepted as an excuse for committing a crime, so I would strongly suggest informing yourself if you are even considering any actions which might cross the lines of legality.
That is all.
-- Prosecutor von Karma