Who: Roxas and Axel
When: June 21, daytime
Where: Somewhere around the stadium.
Summary: Some people say it with flowers. Roxas says it with cats.
Warnings: idk. Ridiculousness. Bromance.
Roxas had thought long and hard before deciding to go out and find Axel. He still didn't know if things could ever be like they used to be--he was pretty sure they couldn't. But while there were a lot of things he wasn't sure about, he was certain of two things: he wanted to talk to Axel again, and he had no idea how to do it.
It was going to be complicated. But best friends were willing to deal with complications, right?
But deciding he wanted to try this again hadn't given him a clue about how to do it. The thing with Vexen and hadn't helped him focus on figuring something out, either. But at the stadium this morning, a friendly but worried woman who worked in the business office had given him an idea. Actually, she'd given him more than that.
It took a while to track Axel down, but when he rounded a corner, there he was headed down the street. "Hey, Axel!" he blurted, hurrying down the sidewalk toward him, the so-called peace offering in his arms.