one is ending any friendships...WE ARE ALL STILL sorry if its hard for you to accept that GWB isnt the same...but you need to realize it....everyone changed and we drifted apart....WE ARE still all friends its just not like GWB used to be. Im sorry you dont understand that but we need to face it...there really hasnt been a GWB for a while...and its not becuase "no one wants to be friends with anyone else anymore" its beacuse we all live far away and dont have the time to have meetings LIKE we used to in GWB, or sleepovers,or anything like that and we dont have time or money (some of us) to hang out the way we used to. and its not steffs fault GWB ended because we all go to school and have jobs...and we all live far away...correct me if im worng but you cant really have sleepovers that often with someone in mass, someone in maine, and other people all over CT, and corianne wherevere she goes. and you havent talked to us that much so dont even begin to say we arent mature. being mature is being realistic. and
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GWB was a bunch of good friends who never lied to any of the other members and were able to trust each other. there are so many lies between people in GWB (and i would name one but i dont want people to get mad but i think we all know what it is) we never used to keep secrets from each other but now we do thats just how it is...and we used to be able to trust eachother.....i have a hard time trusting all of you now because things i have told people in the past in confidence have gotten repeated and words have been twisted around and stuff. so yea GWB meant we were all GOOD friends who could rely on eachother and turst eachother.....things changed. and NO ONE IS ENDING ANY FRIENDSHIPS. who cares we dont call ourselves GWB anymore...we can still be friends without the name. and your missing the point the point isnt that people have changed its that OUR lives have changed. we have school, and work, and other things in our life....and we dont really have the much time to hang out all the time. i dont understand why you think we either
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GWB, the actual CLUB NAME is pretty much over. Of course we are all still friends. We just mean that it's not like all of us get together on those fridays and hang out, like what used to happen. We are also not as close as we used to be. There is tension, lying, and people who don't come clean with things they know they should come clean with to others. Get it? I kind of made that sound confusing. Sorry.
Listen, we will ALWAYS be friends, but we won't be labled the "GWB" anymore, because all of these friendships are not the same friendships all shared by GWB. The gwb was never a friendship of convenience, please don't think that for a second.
Maybe there is a way we can resolve the gwb, but I doubt it. There could be a meeting over the summer where ALL of us will be there (It will be drilled into *someones name here*'s head to not only talk about drugs or her new best friend, okay? We will try to get all of our arguments out of the way and perhaps bandage these GWB friendships. I...don't know what else to say.
Look, I'm sorry for yelling. I guess that I'm falling into the same trap that seems to have gotten to all of you. But can't you guys just step back for one second and realize how dumb this all is? Please, I'm begging you, don't let us become the type of friends that drift apart after high school, because you can't deny that that is the path we're on right now. Declaring the GWB over isn't going to make you want to hang out with one another any more than you do right now, so what is the point?
hey, im sorry too. it just doesnt seem fair that you just made all those accusaitions without realy knowing what was going on. i was really hurt by that lj entry. plus, its not like i dont want talk to you.. its just hard to cause we never have a chance to. i dont think ive ever personally said 'nothing' when asked how things were going. i try to keep people updated as much as i can but its really hard to keep track of who i tell what to. and ur also right, decaring the GWB over isnt going to do anything, were just marking a time in our lives. closing one chapter so we can then open another one. sure its not mature to 'end' the GWB, i can admit that. but then, having a huge fight over what GWB is and what its ment to us... thats not exactly mature either (i didnt mean for that to sound mean or snooty). i really dont want to open up any cans of worms here. i really wish i could talk to you in person about this or at least on AIM, but like i said, it just seems like we never get that chance anymore.
I don't know if just you can read this Sammy or if it's an open game kind of thing, but what you are all going through now with regard to your friendship is something you'll have to deal with the rest of your lives. You hear "Friends come and Go," and this is true. At some point you make decisions about which friendships are worth keeping and which are not, because people do change, and sometimes it seems they just don't have anything in common with you anymore. This hurts an awful lot, especially when you are the one an old friend has decided to "let go." I know, my old roommate from college has in the last year or so decided that our friendship isn't worth pursuing anymore - after 20 years! I feel sad, and injured as well, but I feel like at this time in her life, this is what my friend needs to do, and I respect that. Someday, when we're at different places (ie, retired, going through menopause, whatever), maybe we'll reconnect. I'll always hold out that possibility to her because I do value the lovely friendship we once had
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It is true, we are drifting apart, but life is life and that happens ... and i know u are all thinking it so I am going to say it ... I have probably changed more than any of u, and I am willing to admit it ... and yes, I have become more of a bitch but i dont mean to be ... actually, i'm not going to lie ... i do mean to be ... i am a bitch now and that is how it is going to be for a while because i am finally learning how to stand of for myself and speak my mind, i just havent mastered doing it the right way yet ... but i am in my re-inventing process so hopefully that will happen soon, along with losing another 20 lbs or so .. hehe .... and yes, i guess u could call me a pot head, cause i smoke a lot and when i am not smoking i do talk about it (sorry tracy, i wont even mention it in front of u anymore ... promise) ... BUT PLEASE, dont worry about me, i am not going try anymore new drugs, i learned my lesson ... AND ALSO dont tell me not to smoke pot, or to cut back ... u know what, dont talk to me about pot at all ... because i
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Comments 13
Listen, we will ALWAYS be friends, but we won't be labled the "GWB" anymore, because all of these friendships are not the same friendships all shared by GWB. The gwb was never a friendship of convenience, please don't think that for a second.
Maybe there is a way we can resolve the gwb, but I doubt it. There could be a meeting over the summer where ALL of us will be there (It will be drilled into *someones name here*'s head to not only talk about drugs or her new best friend, okay? We will try to get all of our arguments out of the way and perhaps bandage these GWB friendships. I...don't know what else to say.
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