I didn't actually think I'd be translating something that soon, but that's what I get for expecting something to happen, haha. I found this via
this article on
aiyatheydidnt and it's so catchy! I got my entire family humming along. ^^; Plus the lyrics are meaningful, which is always a big plus. Like the article said, there are celebrities that state what they have no time for - my favorite was the one that stated that he had no time to drink milk. Milk?? O_O I'd die without milk, haha.
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牛奶咖啡 - 沒時間
Niu Nai Ka Fei - Mei Shi Jian
Milk Coffee (Milk@Coffee) - No Time
突然很想不去上班 發一發呆偷一點懶
Tu ran hen xiang bu qu shang ban fa yi fa dai tou yi dian lan
I suddenly don’t want to go to work and just stare blankly and laze about
但是又要問我自己 是不是要堅強一點
Dan shi you yao wen wo zi ji shi bu shi yao jian qiang yi dian
But I have to ask myself once more that shouldn’t I persevere a little more
[夢想總是繞一個圈 卻還是要回到原點
Meng xiang zong shi rao yi ge quan que hai shi yao hui dao yuan dian
Dreams are always going in circles and it still needs to go back to the beginning
是不是我 還需要再堅強一點]
Shi bu shi wo hai xu yao zai jian qiang yi dian
Is it because I still need to persevere a little more?
*我真的沒時間沒時間 吃一頓早餐
Wo zhen de mei shi jian mei shi jian chi yi dun zao can
I really have no time to eat breakfast
我沒時間沒時間 去鍛煉鍛煉
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian qu duan lian duan lian
I have no time to work out
我沒時間沒時間 逛一逛商店
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian guang yi guang shang dian
I have no time to go shopping
我沒時間沒時間 (我)真的沒有時間
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian (wo) zhen de mei you shi jian
I have no time; (I) honestly have no time
我沒時間沒時間 談一談戀愛
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian tan yi tan lian ai
I have no time to go on dates
我沒時間沒時間 常回家看看
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian chang hui jia kan kan
I have no time to regularly visit my family
我沒時間沒時間 我有一點煩
Wo mei shi jian mei shi jian wo you yi dian fan
I have no time and I’m a little irritated
Wei shen me zong shi mei you shi jian
Why do I never have time?
我越來越懷念從前 無憂無慮美好童年
Wo yue lai yue huai nian cong qian wu you wu lv mei hao tong nian
I’m missing my carefree and perfect childhood years
但是又要告訴自己 是不是要堅強一點
Dan shi you yao gao su zi ji shi bu shi yao jian qiang yi dian
But I need to remind myself once more that shouldn’t I persevere a little more
我只剩下空空的口袋 我只好在原地發呆
Wo zhi sheng xia kong kong de kou dai wo zhi hao zai yuan di fa dai
I’m only left with an empty pocket and it’s best that I stay here in a daze
這個世界變化的太快 我要怎麽畫出未來
Zhe ge shi jie bian hua de tai kuai wo yao zen me hua chu wei lai
This world changes too quickly; how can I paint the future?
我只剩下空空的口袋 我只好在原地發呆
Wo zhi sheng xia kong kong de kou dai wo zhi hao zai yuan di fa dai
I’m only left with an empty pocket and it’s best that I remain here in a daze
這個世界變化的太快 我想不明白
Zhe ge shi jie bian hua de tai kuai wo xiang bu ming bai
This world changes too quickly; I don’t want to understand it
我越來越懷念從前 無憂無慮美好童年
Wo yue lai yue huai nian cong qian wu you wu lv mei hou tong nian
I’m missing my carefree and perfect childhood years
但是又要告訴自己 是不是要堅強一點
Dan shi you yao gao su zi ji shi bu shi yao jian qiang yi dian
But I need to remind myself that should I persevere a little more
Note: technically, they repeat "沒時間" a lot but I didn't want to keep on translating everything like that because I hate things that are repetitive, but know that the chorus literally translates to: "I have no time, I have no time to ___."