Fic: A Promise and a Warning

Oct 14, 2011 21:05

So I've been writing a shitload of fic recently. Like, a disturbing amount. And I don't usually share what I write but I figure I wrote this for a challenge so what the hell.

Title: A Promise and a Warning
Author: siricerasi
Fandom: Dark Blue (TV)
Characters/pairings: Jaimie/Dean
Rating: R
Word count: ~1200
Warnings: suicidal ideation, non-graphic sex, violence
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my fic, ship: jaimie/dean, tv: dark blue, challenge: girl saves boy

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Comments 4

nebakanezer October 17 2011, 06:46:17 UTC
I'll gladly take the blame =P and OMG, I already know you are an amazing writer but this is so powerful and so them and makes me miss them sooo much! Its soooo good! And I haven't been on lj in like over a month so this is a very happy treat to find. <3


eggamoobymuffin October 18 2011, 09:44:01 UTC
love this, well done


rorylie November 6 2011, 02:42:48 UTC
I love this. It's so perfect and beautiful and god I really miss them.


citymusings November 6 2011, 02:50:04 UTC

That's really amazing. I love the progression of the final lines. She's worth living for.


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