Yes im am really still alive i swear
Had absolutly nothing postworthy though Well lets see my new aquisitions this month XD
Wooo furry gloves <3 <3 <3
Theyre old (apparently) and real rabbit fur >.> and leather, got them of the NZ equiv of ebay XD
and then my shiny new 20 gb mp3 player. A Sony HD5, its slightly wider then an ipod mini but smaller in the other two dimensions has 30 hours of batt life and in general isnt apple so kicks ipods ass :P
The remote i ordered for it should arrive tommorrow too :D
Oh yea i turn 21 in a week <.< >.> *feels all old and stuff* i usually dont give birthdays much thought but this one is just makes me feel so old and not kid like anymore
ATM my goal is to avoid people dragging me into doing a yardie x.x, the one thing i cant stand about beers is the quantity you have to drink and yardies are like liquid death.
Hrmmm every give me cuddles for my birthday. cuddles > all else
I want a tail
err yup thats it