With a little less than two months to go before our September 23rd fest deadline, we hope everyone is plugging away at their fics and art and getting close to the point of sending off their submissions to a beta.
With that in mind we're putting out a call for betas for those writers and artists who may be in need of one. So, if you're willing to handle beta duties for one of our fest participants please comment below. Please note if you're available to beta fic or art, and what sorts of stories/art you absolutely will not read (after all we wouldn't expect someone to beta what to them is a squick-fic.) or look at, and how you can be contacted (PM or e-mail, if e-mail please leave your addy.)
Alternately, writers can look to
hp_betas or
hp_betas_wanted if they are unable to find a beta here.
Thanks in advance for any help!
And as always, there is still time to
sign up if you want to join us!