Title: Into the Sweet Light
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: (100)(2)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Sirius
Challenge: reflection, miracle
Warnings: No spoilers for DH
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Sweet, filtered light floods the room. It floods through the tattered curtains, pushing them into transparency. It's a hazy light, rose-gold and warm, sweet enough to drink. Sirius takes a deep breath, pacing to the end of the bed.
"Harry, you've got to wake up." Silence answers him, and Sirius bends to shake Harry.
His face is reflected in Harry's glasses. Sirius takes them off, setting them on the nightstand and pressing kisses to Harry's eyelids. "Wake up."
There's nothing but silence, Harry's pulse murmuring under his fingertips and the faint, sweet rustle of light coming in through the curtains.
Red-gold light, the buzz of blood flowing through his veins, the haze of - Sirius opens his eyes, banishing the last of his dreams.
Harry's turned toward him, one hand curled around Sirius's forearm. He stirs, his breath warm and moist against Sirius's skin.
"Hey, kid," Sirius says. "I'll never leave you again."
Everyone has left Harry - they've all left him to heal in this room, to recover alone, but Sirius will never leave him.
Harry wakes - he blinks, and Sirius catches him up into his arms. "My miracle."
Harry's sweet smile is light and dawn and answer enough for Sirius.
Title: Through a veil, tattered
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Sirius pre-slash
Prompt: window
Warnings: no DH spoilers - also *Character Death*
Disclaimer: Not mine. "Through a glass, darkly" is quoted from Corinthians.
AN: A non-challenge drabble - written for
celandineb Harry leaned against the window. Nose pressed to it, he saw his reflection in the black glass.
Sirius caught him from behind with strong hands - warm hands. "Come away, Harry. There's nothing for you there."
Harry let Sirius pull him away, yielding to his warmth. "Sirius - don't leave me."
"I'll never leave you, Harry."
Harry turned in his embrace. Sirius's arms tightened around him. "It does no good to look back."
Through a glass, darkly, Harry saw his friends. Through a veil, tattered, he heard their voices.
He turned away from the darkness, into the light - he turned to Sirius.