Everyone too busy with post-HBP challenges to drabble this week? Ah, well, here's my offering :).
lyrasWord count: 100
Characters: Sirius, Bellatrix
Challenge: Cave canem: Beware of the dog
Rating: PG-13
Note: No spoilers for HBP.
It was a dog, they said. They heard it growling occasionally, and some had glimpsed it. Like a Grim, they said, and looked away.
Having grown up with Sirius, Bellatrix believed in the dog even before she heard it in her dreams, and then in daylight, almost inaudible, but always there if she listened. Sometimes it howled, and she screeched back until she lost track of where she ended and the dog began.
Later, her captors heard her pleading with someone in her empty cell. Sometimes there was screaming.
At the burial, Harry thought he heard whining beyond the silence.