Title: Look for me in the stars
mayfloRating: G
Warnings: none
Brief summary/challenge (if you used one): none
Author's Notes: Er... sorry I'm late and over the deadline. Am reusing my art again, but then it is sort of an ode to padfoot, so forgive me for x-posting it like gazillion times...
Title: Afternoon nap
mayfloRating: G
Warnings: none
Brief summary/challenge (if you used one): none
Author's Notes: My first James/Sirius <333 I hope you do get the feeling of them being under a tree... *mumbles*
Also a coloured version by
xingou HERE Title: A day to remember
mayfloRating: G
Warnings: none
Brief summary/challenge (if you used one): none
Author's Notes: A bit angsty but Sirius reminiscing the good old days *cough*James*cough*