Title: It Only Encourages Him
Author: La Onza
Rating: PG
Warnings: A brief bit of gore in part IV.
Challenge #12: Sirius is the first Black in Gryffindor. How does he react to his Sorting? How do others react?
A/N: Five vignettes that together make a story arc. About 7500 words total.
I. Peter )
Comments 26
There's magic and this feeling of a slighly old-fashioned boarding school, and it's not just a transcription of Harry's first year. It really feels like there's a world opening to these four boys, and they're all so lovable!
And I love all the glimpses you give on other stories, Snape's family life, and all the horrors of the Black, and the Peter's mother's gossips.
And the way it was Sirius and Remus, and James and Peter, at first, what a wonderful idea! It feels true, like so many school frienships, that change shape and focus over the years. And I love your Remus, so full of joy in spite of everything, and your Sirius, every curious of everything and born with this ability to question authority.
Probably the best story I've read of the Hogwarts times Marauders!
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