Title: Career's Advice
aillilSummary: Sirius receives career's advice in his fifth year.
Disclaimer: I don't see the inventor of these characters ever spending so much time with them, so, not mine I'm afraid.
Rating: G
Author's Note: This is my answer to challenge no. 14: "Sirius receives career's advice." Yonks late, I know, but still.
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Comments 8
It gave me trouble writing it, that's why it's so late, too, and I had to rearrange the different parts several times, but in the end it worked for me. I'm glad to see it did for you, too.
And Alphard! Much Alphard love.
Well, Sirius knew that all along, or it had been dawning on him for a while, but I think it came as quite the surprise to his Head of House, poor woman. *g*
And Alphard is Teh Cool, of course! *hearts him*
I went with the idea that receiving career's advice is mandatory for every student, so that even if they have the job of the family patriarch lined up for them, they'd have to sit there.
Sorry that it's taken me a bit to respond now, just had a crazy two weeks. :)
It certainly is one of the indications of the darker chapters, as it's really all going down from there, seeming to pick up with his leaving home, but that doesn't really do the trick in the end. :)
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