Title: Tell Me Pairing: Draco/Hermione Rating: R Word Count: 6,678 Warnings: EWE, scenes of sexual nature.
Summary: Everybody expected Hermione to marry Ron and live happily ever after. But she wanted more. At thirty, she was assured passionate, all-engulfing love didn't exist. But when a one-night stand with the last person she could've
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Title: A Passion for Portraits Music: Flying Without Wings by Westlife feat. Christian Castro Genre: Romance/Angst/Humor/Drama Relationship: Sirius/Hermione Summary: It was ridiculous, of course. But... She couldn't seem to make her heart believe the same as her head. ( Read more... )
Title: I Loved Her Then, I Love You Now Genre: Angst/Romance Relationship: Remus/Hermione Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! Summary: Doubting just what's between them, space seems like a good idea to her. Remus doesn't agree. ( Read more... )
Title: Itchy Fingers Music: Draw You - Daniel Bedingfield Genre: Romance Rating: M Relationship: Dean/Hermione Disclaimer: I own nothing! Summary: He loved to draw her. ( Read more... )
allinplaid is a highly active, well balanced, motived and friendly community looking for someone to play the part of CHARACTER. It is set in the Marauder Era, offers a fun and fresh first person format, and includes both Hogwarts students and the adults of the Wizarding world in equal parts
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Title: Anyone But Draco Disclaimer: I own nothing, please leave me alone! Summary: Pansy needs an assort to Wales and refuses to go to Draco. Fudge has someone else in mind. Sirius/Pansy. AU. Cross-gen. Het. Rating: K+ Written for: A new community called
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A new community has been created called sirius_n_pansy. Fanfiction, graphics, or art of any kind is accepted. The community is based on promoting the two characters in either a positive or negative light; romance, chemistry, friendship, or platonic fics are all excepted.