Title: Winter Snapshots
Author: Lee West (
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Characters: Sirius, Remus, Peter, James
The Pretty Picture The snow falls like a sheet outside; although he can't see the ground from his narrow slit of a window, he knows it's all covered now. It started snowing the evening before and didn't stop throughout the long, sleepless night.
From their window in Gryffindor tower, four boys watch as the snow accumulates on the ground. Sirius proposes a snowball fight. Straws are drawn and Sirius and Peter face Remus and James in a mortal war.
James focuses his efforts on Peter, but soon realizes he's against a foe who, despite having bad aim, is rather agile when it comes to avoid the barrage of snowballs. Knowing that James will be occupied, Sirius launches a formidable attack on Remus, who, defeated, falls on the ground laughing.
Padfoot comes to the rescue, and runs to save Remus, who can't stop laughing. "Stop it, you mongrel. You're not a St. Bernard." But he doesn't complain when Padfoot licks his earlobe, just as Sirius does at night, when they're alone.
The happy thought soon attracts the attention of the Dementors. A form changes and Padfoot, curled in a little corner, is safe with the memories of a white winter day of long ago.