Cut for incredible amounts of length.
Okay this is called FIRST REACTION... type the first thing that comes to your mind whenever you hear these 41 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random just type it! Repost it for all of your friends.
1. Beer: Pee.
2. Anorexic: Thin.
3. Relationships: Break-ups
4. Your Last Ex: Sakura (She isn't my last ex. No idea why she came up.)
5. Power Rangers: Yellow.
6. Weed: Fertilizer
7. Air Freshener: Car.
8. Smoking: No.
9. The president: Suit.
10. Fish: sticks.
11. Cars: McQueen
12. Gas Prices: British Petroleum
13. Halloween: Pumpkin
14. Bon Jovi: Red smiley
15. Religion: The Pope
16. Myspace: Whoring.
17. Worst fear: Darkness. (It's not my worst fear...o.0)
18. Marriage: White.
19. Paris Hilton: Suite Life of Zack and Cody. (Don't ask)
20. Brunettes: Barrettes. XD
21. Redheads: Fig (He's not, originally)
23: Pass the time: Clocks.
24. One night stands: Bedpost.
25: Cell Phone: charms.
27: Pixie Stix: The River Styx
28: Vanilla Ice cream: Dots. (I swear my mouth started watering when I read that)
29: Port a Potties: The beach.
30: Kissing: Story. (The best story I've ever written is titled, Kissing)
31. Pajamas: Osama. (No, not bin Laden. There's a manga by, I THINK it's the mangaka who did Absolute Boyfriend and Alice 13th, called something with Osama in the title and it means, "An Adventure in Pajamas.")
32. Woods : Firewood.
33. Wet Socks: Pools.
34. Alcohol: Legal
35. The word love: Hearts.
36. My best friends: Unattainable.
37. Money: Poor (Haha, and I am.)
38. Headache: Advil.
39. Love: less.
40. Time: Forwards. ("I built a time machine. It only moves forward at regular speed. It's essentially a cardboard box and on the front I wrote time machine in sharpie." -Demetri Martin)
41. Divorce: Lawyer
42. Boys: Emo
43. Girls: Sex
44. Sex: Girls (Haha!)
45. Fashion: ista.
46. Crush: Nemo
47. Sushi: Maki
48. Firefighters : Engines
49. Ocean : Shell
50. Traveling : Postage
40 of the MOST Random Questions.
1. Where were you 6 hours ago?
*counts on fingers* Getting home.
2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I'd assume that if I kissed them once, I'd kiss them again.
3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
*looks about* I have a pink jelly bracelet.
4. When is the last time you went to the mall?
NO clue.
5. Are you wearing socks right now?
No, socks are for suckers.
6. When was the last time you went out of the state?
Wow. I honestly don't remember. I think it was when I turned fifteen. My dad took me to New York.
7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
8. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Diet coke! : D Yumyummy.
9. What are you wearing right now?
Jeans, a tank top with Yoshi on it and a black blazer. Not at ALL matching. XD
10. What was your last purchase?
Nessy's birthday present. A French Press coffeemaker and mugs. $50. Left me in the poorhouse. T_T
11. Last food you ate?
Chinese from New Century Buffet.
12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My dad, asking him if he wanted something to eat while I was out.
13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yes! A David Bowie shirt from Hot Topic! IT WAS ON SALE! : D
14. Do you have a pet?
No, but I REALLY want a hamster. *cries*
15. What's the last sporting event you watched?
I don't watch sporting events.
16. What is/was (are/were) your favorite class(es)?
English and History.
17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
At the beach, sitting on a dune, watching the waves beneath the moonlight.
18. What is the last thing you purchased online?
*tries to think back that far* I think it was a doujin.
19. What's your favorite soup?
I generally don't like soup.
20. Do you miss anyone?
Loads of people. Mostly people in Miami.
21. Last play you saw?
Our Town. Hahahah.
22. What are your plans for the day?
The day is nearly done.
23. Who is the last person you messaged on myspace?
NO idea.
24. Ever go to camp?
25. Were you an honor roll student in school?
We didn't have that in my school, but I would have been.
26.What do you know about the future?
What do any of us know about the future?
27. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
No, but my hear smells like oranges because of the air freshening spray we use at work. : D
28. Where is your best friend(s) located?
In their house.
29. Do you have a tan?
Hahahahahahahaha, no.
30. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
NO. No children. No.
31. Do people hate you?
I don't know of anyone who does, but maybe they do.
32. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Hasn't everyone?
33. How do you like your soda?
In a glass, with four or five ice cubes.
34. Do you like hot sauce?
NO. My tongue is very sensitive to spice.
35. Last time you took a shower?
This morning.
36. Who do you like?
I like plenty of people, too many to name, I'm sure.
37. Do they like you?
I hope so.
38. Are you someone's best friend?
I honestly don't know.
39. What's the last TV show you watched?
Erm. It was stand-up, I think. Lewis Black. *loveshim*
40. Are you addicted to a certain kind of gum?
The Greatest About You Survey Out There 2day~
Chi, Cheesy, Cheesehead, Smiley, Munchkin, Cheesers, Devilcake
Miami, FL
Current location:
St. Augustine, FL
Eye color:
Hair color:
Black, and now I've got red lowlights too.
Marital status:
Unmarried, not in a relationship, not separated, not widowed.
Most overused phrase:
By me or in general? There are a lot of phrases I overuse. It depends on my mood though.
Alcoholic Drink:
None in particular.
Place to be:
Sports team(s):
None. Though I really like saying, "Green Bay Packers."
Music type:
I like quite a few different styles and I can't say that any one style is my favourite.
Music artist:
At the moment? The Decemberists.
At the moment? A Soldier's Life.
None. There are TOO fuckin' many.
TV Show:
I really love: South of Nowhere, Noah's Arc, and Scrubs.
Body part on opposite sex:
Hands, teeth, hair, chin.
In a Guy/Girl
Hair color:
Black or blonde. (I like extremes)
Eye color:
Any, though I prefer men to be about my size.
Any, really, I've come to realize.
I hate homeboys.
Looks Or Personality:
Hot Or Cute:
Drugs Or Alcohol:
Body type:
Ten, if I open the next day; midnight, if I work at nine-thirty the next day; any, if the next day is a day off.
Current Crush:
I'll keep that one to myself, thanks.
Best physical feature:
I honestly don't know.
Goal for this year:
Move FORWARD and stop festering and living in this consant ennui.
Dream Job:
Oh, God. My dream job is to get paid to do NOTHING. *laugh*
Dream car:
I don't have one. Mine. My car is my dream car.
Current car:
My dream car. ; D A Chevy Malibu LS.
School's name:
I have so many that if I started to list them here, this whole survery would become simply that, a list of my fears.
Biggest annoyances:
Idiocy and replacements. Mostly idiocy though.
Your friends
in show? : D Question: *sidestepped*
I don't have any friends, okay? Jeez.
See above.
See above.
Most likely to get arrested:
Most likely to be famous:
Should I just answer, "Nessy" for all of these?
Best Singer:
Best Drawer:
N/A. Drawer, honestly. *rolls eyes*
Most likely to become famous as a author:
Rimbo. *grin*
Tara. (okaymaybeIdohavefriends)
*shrug* I don't go around measuring people.
I know lots of short people.
Known the Longest:
Oh, God. Everyone I work with.
Nessy, when she wants to be. Hehehe.
Everyone is beautiful.
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:
Depends on whether or not it's diet.
McDonald's or Burger King:
I like to wake up with the King. *giggles* (Actually, I think he's rather creepy)
Pizza or Spaghetti:
SPAGHETTI. Most definitely.
Dog or Cat:
Rap or Punk:
Summer or Winter:
Winter is nicer to look at, but summer is more comfortable to live in.
Cake or Ice Cream
Ice cream.
Vanilla or Chocolate:
Spring or Fall:
Family or Friends:
Love or Money:
Do you want to go to College:
Do you want to get married:
Do you want to have kids:
Do you drive:
I'd die if I couldn't.
Do you drink:
I have to, or else I'd die. Humans need water to live.
Do you smoke:
H'ohyeah. Like a chimney. [/sarcasm]
Do you do drugs:
Ibuprofen, dude. That's hardcore right there. ... *giggles*
Do you shower often:
Once a day. Mostly. XD
Have you ever shoplifted:
Do you shower often:
Did you think I lied just now?
Have you ever been arrested:
Nope! : )
Have you done drugs:
Nope! : D
Do/have you played any sports:
If so which ones:
*points up*
Do you judge people:
We all judge eachother. Whether we're conscious of it or not.
Do you believe in God:
Do you believe in yourself:
Not at ALL.
Are you a health freak:
Hahaha, no.
Age you wanna lose your virginity:
Have you ever beat someone up:
No. I'm chickenshit.
Has someone ever beat you up:
No. Mostly because I don't start things because like I said, I'm chickenshit.
1. Height?
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
Er. No?
3. Do you own a gun?
No, but my uncle does.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Fuckin' terrified.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Hate 'em, but I can eat them so long as they're SMOTHERED in so much ketchup that I can't taste it.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song??
The Little Drummer Boy. *lame*
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
9. Can you do push ups?
I can do one.
10. Is your bathroom clean?
I clean it. T_T
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I don't have one.
12. Do you like painkillers?
I've never had to take any.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Dude, if I had a fuckin' secret weapon, I'd be out there using it, not filling out this survey.
14. Do you have A.D.D.?
16. Middle Name?
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1. I need to pee.
2. What's my last thought going to be?
3. I wonder how much longer I can hold it for.
18. Name the last 3 things you have last bought?
1. Nessy's French Press Coffeemaker
2. Gas for the rental car.
3. Manga. (Same Cell Organism- which I absolutely ADORED, Almost Crying, and Rin 2)
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1- Milk
2- Caffeine-free diet coke
3- Dr. Pepper
22. Current worry?
God, too fuckin' many.
23. Current hate?
24. Favorite place to be?
25. How did you bring in the New Year?
Watching Clerks with cousin and friends.
26. Where would you like to go?
To bed, and I will in a minute.
27. Do you own slippers?
Not anymore. T_T
28. What shirt are you wearing?
A tank top with Yoshi on it. : )
29. Do you burn or tan?
30. Favorite color(s)?
31. Would you be a pirate?
FUCKYEAH. I fuckin' love pirates.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever I'm listening to at the time.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
36. What's in your pockets?
Oh my God, it's a wocket! There's a wocket in my pocket!
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Aladdin comforter like whoa.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
When I stepped on that print of puppies my mom had and shattered the glass and it sliced my arm open. I still have the scar.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
41. Who is your loudest friend?
Don't know.
42. Who is your most silent friend?
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
*sigh* I don't think so, no. *cries*
44. Do u wish on shooting stars?
45. What is your favorite book?
I have FAR too many.
46. What is your favorite candy?
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
I've never thought about it.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Marching Theme - Neutral Milk Hotel
49. What were you doing @ 12 AM last night?
Sleeping, or trying to.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Fuck, already?
1. Kissed your cousin: When I was a child.
2. Ran away: No.
3. Pictured your crush naked: Of course.
4. Skipped school: No
5. Broken someone's heart: My mother's.
6. Been in love: Unfortunately.
7. Cried when someone died: Yes. I didn't think I was going to. In fact, he died and I was sad, but I didn't cry, until about a week later, my mother, my siblings, his wife and his kids and I, we all went to visit his grave, and when I saw those poor kids, standing there by their daddy's grave, laying flowers, praying, oh God, I burst into tears on the spot.
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yes.
10. Done something embarrasing: Everyone has.
11. Done a drug: Ibuprofen!
12. Cried in school: Haha, loads of times.
13. Coke or Pepsi: Depends.
14. Sprite or 7UP: 7up.
15. Girls or Guys: Girls.
16. Flowers or Candy: Flowers.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
19. Bitchy or Slutty: Bitchy
20. Tall or Short: Short.
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants.
22. Night or Day: Night
23. What do you notice first: There's nothing in particular i notice first.
24. Last person you slow danced with: My father.
25. Worst Question To Ask: "Want some drugs?" XD
26. Showered: This morning.
27. Stepped outside: A coupla hours ago.
28. Had Sex: My past lifetime?
29. Romantic memory: Shutup.
30. Your Good Luck Charm: I don't really have one.
31. Person You Hate Most: My mother's husband.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: When I lived with my grandmother.
33. On your desk: I don't have a desk, but on my dad's desk I have, the story I wrote for Punkheid and a list of songs I need to download.
35. Color: black
36. Movie: None. There are too many. (But I do love my RHPS)
37. Artist: The Decemberists, for right now.
38. Cars: Hondas? XD
39. Ice Cream: Most girls go for the Butter Pecan. ; )
40. Season: Fall
41. Breakfast Food: Eggos with butter and jelly!
42. Makes you laugh the most: Andrew and Tara.
43. Makes you smile: Most of the people I work with, and Nessy. And my family. ... haha, a lot of people.
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: There isn't anyone.
45. Has A Crush On You: *grumble* No one, okay. No one has a crush on me. Because I am uncrushable! TT_TT Jeez.
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: Yes.
47. Who Has it easier?: Bill Gates.
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: Stephen. *loatheshim*
49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: I have been known to do this in the past.
50. Save AIM conversations: I have a couple saved. They're all ones I had with Uesugi.
51. Save E-mails: Of course.
52. Forward secret E-mails: I don't get secret emails, but I wouldn't forward them if I did.
53. Wish you were someone else: Only all the time.
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes
55. Wear perfume: Peh, not very often.
56. Kiss: Kiss?
57. Cuddle: Yes. I heart cuddling.
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: No...though I've been on here for quite a while this time.
59. Fallen for your best friend?: Yes.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: No
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: No
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: No
63. Been rejected: Yes. YES. YEEESSSS. T_T
64. Been in love?: *grumblemumble* yes
66. Used someone?: Not really, no. Not purposefully.
67. Been used?: Yes
68. Cheated on someone?: Nope.
1] Is there someone who you like at the moment?
2] Does that someone know that you like them?
3] What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
The Bridget Jones movies. *fangirls*
4] Do you like being called babe or baby?
So long as it's not a creepy old guy saying it, I don't mind at all. And yes, I rather do like it.
5] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
6] Do you think that you should put your friends first or your bf/gf first?
Depends entirely upon the situation.
7] Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, several times.
8] What do you think about long-distance relationships?
They don't usually work out...but they can.
9]Would you rather date someone five years older or five years
I don't know. Legally, I can't date someone five years younger, but I don't know if I'd want to, either. Older people scare me a little... but no, I think I'd have to go with older anyway.
12] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?
13] How many kids do you want to have? NONE.
14] Do you usually fall for the right boy/girl?
Never, no, not once.
15] what are your favorite color(s)
Black, green, grey. In that order.
16] What are your views on gay marriage?
17] Do you believe you truly only love once?
I don't know, but i hope not.
18] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died. Would you re-marry?
If I fell in love again.
19] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
Oh, God. At a very young age. Kindergarten.
20] Something ate your apple. It got eaten by?
A worm!
1. name: Chi
2. Zodiac sign: Gemini
3. Gender: female
4. Eye color: Changes
6. Glasses : What about them?
7. Tattoos : Nope.
12. Cut your own hair?
13. Done something you regret?
No, but I've kept from doing something I with I'd done.
14. Skipped school?
15. Bungee-jumped?
16. Punched someone?
17. Cheated on a test?
*cough* Mayhaps.
18. Been arrested?
19. Broken in someone's house?
My own house. Hah. And my aunt's, when Nessy and I put up the surprise Christmas tree for them.
20. Been Rejected?
A boatload of times.
21. Been to a funeral?
22. Used a lighter?
23. Been on stage?
24. Season - Fall
25. Food - Spaghetti
28. Breakfast - Eggos with butter and jelly.
29. Person - Uesugi, as I knew her then. And my father.
30. Book - I have far too many.
32. Lake - The Hogwarts Lake. : D
34. Sport to watch on TV - None.
38. Name for a girl - I don't have a favourite, but one I really like is Gretchen.
41. Long or short relationships?
I wouldn't know
43. Scary movies or comedies?
I like both, but I think I'll go with scary movies.
44. Short or long hair on the opposite sex?
Long, definitely.
45. Fruits or vegetables?
46. Chainsaw- Trunk (there's one in mine)
47. School - Bus
48. Boy- Friend
49. Canada- Rachel.
50. Moose- Stephen (Still? Gr.)
52. Talked on the phone?
53. Watched a movie?
54. Cried?
Yes. Rimbo and her writings. *mumble*
55. Smoked?
56. Drank a glass of water?
57. Used drugs?
58. Read a book or magazine?
59. Watched TV?
61. Taken a shower?
62. Taken a picture?
63. Listened to music?
64. Told someone you loved them?
65. Watched a football game on TV?
66. Stolen something?
67. Kissed someone?
Sebby. ^_^ Aw. He's so cute.
68. Had sex?
69. Slept w/ the opposite sex in the same bed?
The end!