(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 23:33

Pick your five favorite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don’t cheat!

A. Doctor Who

B. Misfits

C. Skins

D. Torchwood

E. The Inbetweeners

1. Who’s your favorite character in B?

Future!Simon he's amazing, current Simon's growing on me. Nathan comes a very close second because he is made of awesome.

2. Who’s your least favorite character in A?

Hmmm maybe River Song, she doesn't really do anything for me.

3. What’s your favorite episode of D?

I'm thinking maybe Countricide, Cyberwoman or Adam. They are all really good.

4. What’s your favorite season of E?

Series 2 i think.

5. Who is your favorite ship in C?


6. Who is your anti-ship in B?

Alisha/Curtis. Curtis is kinda lame.

7. How long have you watched A?

Since the beginning of new who.

8. How did you become interested in C?

Saw the advert on E4 for Series 1 and thought it look

9. Who’s your favorite actor/actress in D?

Probably John Barrowman or Gareth David-Lloyd

10. Which do you prefer: Show A or B or E?

A or B

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, A or C?

Seen all the episodes for both.

12. If you could be anyone from D, who would you be?

Captain Jack Harkness obvs :P

13. How would you kill off your favorite character in A?

How would I kill Rose?? Hmm.... maybe sacrifice herself for the Doctor then we could have angst!Doctor :)

14. Give a random quotation from A?

"Correctamundo! A word I have never used and hopefully never will again." - The Doctor

16. Would a C/D crossover work?

Yeahh probably. Thinking about it I would actually love to see that happen. Would probably work what with all the sex :P

17. Pair 2 characters in A that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.

I'm really not sure.

18. Has E inspired you in any way?

Urmm not to do whatever they do.

19. Overall, which show has a better cast, B or D?

Arghh difficult question much? I love the Misfits cast soo much but Torchwood's cast is amazing as well. I think  I will say Misfits becauseI love them too much.

20. Which has better theme music, C or E?


Go on try it yourself :)


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