It's over I'm jumping ship and leaving the HP fandom, the only part I want to stick with is the Snape Lily ship. all the shit that happened after is no longer interesting. bye bye fandom I'm leaving you for something better
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sort of. It has to do alot with what happend in the last 3 books the writing lost it's passion the characters seemed out of.. character. like for instance; Hermione one of the most intelligent spunky charismatic female characters in literature and she suddenly becomes jealous vindictive and very immature passive aggressive person I loved her for being above that crap also the characters that interacted with her changed. where the hell does that bitch Ginny get off talking like that to her, she got chewed out for thinking clearly and warning harry on that book(rightly so) and no one stepped up to defend her harry just sat back and Ron took ginny's side. Harry, this kid. I don't even know where to place my finger on it, by the end of the 6th book I didn't feel any compassion for him. he was so cold and uncaring for the people around him. Ron, how he ended up as an Auror is a mystery to me. Ginny, the mother of all the HP Mary Sues, apparently she was the cat's meow. You already know my views on Dumbledore. On the plot; things seem so
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I took great fucking offense to being told I had to separate my "crush" on Movie-Draco from Book-Draco,
Heh, yes, that's so unnecessary! I've seen an interview where she was *puzzled* at a 9-year-old boy saying Hermione was his favorite. "Really? I never met a boy who liked Hermione best? ... Did you like her before Emma Watson or ...?" - boy stares blankly - XD I don't know what her deal is but she seems honestly surprised by anyone reacting only a little bit different than she would have predicted, even when she loves the character.
"who would want Snape to be in love with them?"
That's an age old quote, though! She then said something like "Interesting that you ask. You will see why in the seventh book"
I just went to read the last chat she did to get the quote I was looking for but just reading a few paragraphs she wrote just refreshed the utter arrogance I felt from her. yeah sure, just leave the gigantic plot holes open and just wait until you do a chat to enlighten your readers on what the hell happened, yeah that's how a book series should end. with the air of contempt for the reader.
that's it. I'm leaving HP fandom but I'm taking D/Hr and SS/LE with me.
Comments 4
Heh, yes, that's so unnecessary! I've seen an interview where she was *puzzled* at a 9-year-old boy saying Hermione was his favorite. "Really? I never met a boy who liked Hermione best? ... Did you like her before Emma Watson or ...?" - boy stares blankly - XD I don't know what her deal is but she seems honestly surprised by anyone reacting only a little bit different than she would have predicted, even when she loves the character.
"who would want Snape to be in love with them?"
That's an age old quote, though! She then said something like "Interesting that you ask. You will see why in the seventh book"
that's it. I'm leaving HP fandom but I'm taking D/Hr and SS/LE with me.
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