It's been a while since my last icon post, but I had more to put up! You guys know me, I just couldn't help myself! ^,~* And especially because of the auspicious occassion! As of today, we all can watch TDK whenever we want, every day, as many times a day as is neccessary! My plan is to just it on repeat in my living room. ^_______^**
So, here's another batch of TDK icons for you all, to celebrate! *hearts* Lots of variations, as usual. And a bit of "The Killing Joke" in here too. ^.^* I also didn't make all the possibilities (just too tired to do that this time -.-), so if you'd like an icon in a different color or with a different saying or with a different background or moving or anything like that, please let me know! ^__^* Also, some of these are variations of other icons I've made that people have asked for. ^.^*
COMMENTS LIGHT UP MY SOUL AND MY DAY!! Please credit and don't hotlink if you use them! Thanks, and enjoy! ^__^*
155 TDK Icons:
Joker - 60
Harvey - 36
Bruce - 3
Gordon - 4
Dr. Crane - 4
Bruce and Joker - 18
Batman, Joker, Harvey, and Crane - 30
(Spoiler warning for TDK... But come on, that's pretty pointless, right? You've all seen the thing already! XD Just one pic from "The Killing Joke", no worries about spoilers there! ^.^*)