Title: The Smile When You Tore Me Apart
Song: Angels
Artist: Within Temptation
Footage: The Dark Knight
siriuslyyellow and
Studio: Objects of Obsession
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: R
Warnings: Batman/Joker, AU, Nolanverse, slash, strong sexual themes, implications of sadism and masochism, violence
Spoilers: The Dark Knight
Disclaimer: We own nothing. We are making no money off of this fanvid. The song "Angels" is owned by Within Temptation. The movie "The Dark Knight" is owned by Warner Bros. Thank you very much for not suing us! ^__^*
Date: December 2008
Size: 18.4 MB
Dedication and Notes: This video is dedicated to
nikki6, whose request it was for
nolanverse's 2008 Noalnverse Gift Exchange! I hope you like it, hun! ^__^* I must give
kowaiyoukai a HUGE amount of credit, as usual. She helped me make this, and it would suck if it wasn't for her. Thanks, nee-chan! *hearts* We used Vegas 7.0 and Fireworks to make this. It has more effects than our usual videos, so we hope it's good! XD; It also still is rather small, sorry! -.-;; It's an AU story. Basically at the beginning, Bruce is telling the Joker that they can't be together anymore unless the Joker stops killing people. The Joker promises Bruce he won't kill anyone else as long as Bruce won't leave him. Bruce agrees and they stay together. The rest of the video is the story of what happens from there. Please leave a comment if you're downloading it, or if you just like it. Thanks, and ENJOY! ^.~*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FittIPQPWhw Click to view