ok, you know what i officially hate now? Christians who accept homosexuality as something that's "normal". I'm sorry Will, but you obviously didn't read your bible or are being selective when listening to God cuz he EXPLICITLY says homosexuality is wrong. 1 Chorinthians 6. check it out
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Comments 9
I wasn't going to say anything, but then I looked up the verse out of interest and that got me looking up even more things, and by then I was on a roll and just couldn't help myself...^_^ I'm a law student, I can't help but argue the other side, complete with statutory evidence :)
Here's what 1 Corinthians actually says:
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.
What's a sexual pervert? Where does it say? The King James version uses 'effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind' in place of 'sexual perverts'. Both are translations of the Hebrew qadesh, which meant a pagan fertility priest (who often performed sodomitic rituals as part of their ceremonies -- hence the confusion). Homosexuality itself is not mentioned. There isn't even a Hebrew word for it ( ... )
btw how ya doing?
i personally love how Cadet Swenson told us how to wear our covers. "Homosexuality is not allowed in the military, therefore it is not legal to wear your caps tilted to the side." ROFL!
just had to drop my little opinion... homosexuality isn't by choice, right? People are naturally attracted to their own gender, as naturally for heterosexuals to be attracted to opposite sex. So that's like telling a child who is writing with their left hand, to fix it and start writing with their right hand. I heard most people who were forced to switch hands had major problems in their life. And you can't just make people like the other sex they're not attracted to.... for them, it's not a turn on. I just heard that a 14 year old girl got kicked out of a private Christian school here in LA because the administration found out her parents were lesbian. Now is that right?? For policemen to come knocking on her classroom door and escort her out of school and to humiliate her?
nowadays i hear homosexuality is allowed in the military. you're just not supposed to let others know, keep it as quiet as possible.
as for the natural attraction: they have no proof of a specific gene that they could say causes homosexuality. in historical context there is a very strong correlation b/w homosexuality in people and trouble childhoods growing up. so strong that you can all but draw a cause and effect relationship. besides all this, God explicitly tells you that homosexuality is wrong.
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