Dec 06, 2006 10:56
Raise the flag, light the candle.
For our grandpas, for our uncles,
For our fathers, for our husbands.
For the sons of us all.
This is the day for you,
This day is here because of you.
We walk free on this land
and we own it all to you.
And by raising the flag
and lighting the candle
we swear and oath to you.
Your work has not gone in vain
your lives have not been sacrificed for nothing.
We understand what you have done to us.
If ever the need comes,
we will walk the same path as you.
With head raised up
and fear gone out from our hearts
Because without a question,
you gave your life to our freedom
and if ever there is a danger for loosing it
we will be there to defend it.
That day we will fight
so your fight, your sacrifice
will not go in vain.
And the land will stay free.
And this is the oath we swear
by raising the flag,
by lighting the candle,
by drinking for your memory
Once again,
on this special day
The day we got our freedom,
The Independence Day