We'll Meet Again

Mar 02, 2012 23:27

What if Homestuck was set in the late 50's, and the two Strider brothers had lost about everything?
Dave is 15 years old and lost as hell without his parents, the only person he can turn to is his older Bro, Dirk. Are there going to be repercussions to Dave's future actions though?

Stridercest WIP, NSFW.

His hand slowly ghosted over the LP’s on the shelf as his mind raced over what to play right now. Should he show him the new vinyl he’d just gotten or maybe something he’d know John would enjoy right off the bat. He chose the latter of the two and went with something he knew John would be familiar with.

Plucking the sleeve off the shelf, Dave removed the large round disk from the paper then walked over to the player. He lifted the arm, set the vinyl in place, then presumably let the arm fall back into place of the sunken grooves.

It started out slowly, but very familiar. John grinned as he heard the sweet voices begin to harmonize.

‘There must be some word today from my boyfriend so far away.
Please, Mister Postman, look and see.
Is there a letter, a letter for me?
I've been standing here waiting, Mr. Postman, oh, so patiently
For just a card or just a letter sayin' he'll be comin' home to me.

The words flowed wispily out of the cracking vinyl speakers. Dave tapped his foot to the beat as his egghead best friend bobbed his head along. John was an ace guy, kind of too ace for Dave’s taste sometimes which could leave a bitter taste in his mouth. It’s hard to admit that someone’s slicker than you, but hey nobody’s perfect.

When the woman began to sing into the higher notes, John winced as the speakers cracked a little harder from the pitch. You know that your speakers aren’t the best since you play them the loudest that they’ll go, but you know that your brother can’t afford to buy you new ones anytime soon.

The song slowly ended, almost too soon for your taste, but now you can really show Egbert what you brought him over to your dumpy shack for. Alright your place wasn’t too bad. It was small, with a tiny kitchen, small dining room that linked with the living room, one bathroom, and two extremely small bedrooms, but hey no complaints from your end.

“Alright Egbert, now for what I really brought you over for.” You grin as you remove the last LP and put on the new one that your brother had just snagged for a real deal over at the music shop. The vinyl began to spin as the smooth melody began to play out what you had been waiting for all during school before you rushed over here with John to show him.

‘Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

You watch to make sure there aren’t going to be any forms of dismissal from John, but he seemed to getting into it as well. He looks over to you with his dopey glasses on and flashes his casual cheesy grin, like the kind that you usually give to your parents on Christmas because you’ve just found out they’ve gotten you the biggest item on your wish list that year. John was a goofy looking kid, but very clean at least. And ace, but only you thought John was ace, everyone else saw him as the nerd kid from up north.

“It’s really good Strider, almost don’t regret coming here now.”
You nod with approval now, “good”. The two of you let the whole A-side finish up before speaking again.

“So I’m going to guess that we’re going to forego working on our homework tonight?” John asks.

“You should know me by now Egbert. I don’t like doing my work anyway.”

“Doesn’t your brother care if you do or not? Man my dad wouldn’t let me leave the house if my work wasn’t finished. I’d be in a real bind ya’ know.”

You shrug, “yeah, but he’s my brother, not my parent. He doesn’t really give a rats ass what I do.”

“Oh….” Silence fell over the two of you.

“You wanna stay for dinner or something?”

You felt obliged to be at least courteous and invite John to stay for supper, even if you’d rather have him not stay for that long. That’s at least what Dirk would want you to do.

“Sorry Dave, but I don’t think I can tonight. See, my dad’s got this thing he’s gotta take me to later tonight with him. It’s some sort of big gig or something with his work, and they’re all taking their families out to dinner or something. Sorry though.”

You felt a pinch of relief as he spoke. It’s not that you don’t like John, he’s your best friend for Pete’s sake; it’s just that too much John is prone to create an irritable Dave.

“Don’t sweat it Egbert, I don’t think my Bro could make anything half as good as a restaurant.” It was true though as much as Dave hated to admit it. His brother was cut out for circuits, not cooking. Hell, Dave couldn’t even remember the last time he had a decent tasting meal.

The two of you soon fell into a synch together while listening to albums after albums that your brother and you had collected throughout the years. Grab an LP’s off the shelf, put it back, grab a new one, and put that one back.

The synch hadn’t faltered even as your brother walked through the door around 7:00 or so. John was lying sprawled out onto the couch holding a book in hand while listening to the music. You were lying on your stomach right in front of the player, because this was the most comfortable position one could be in to listen to the music full blast without blowing out another speaker.

Your brother was as silent as ever, it had taken you years to finally train your ears to hear his movements around you. Usually, you’d be able to tell when he’s sneaking up on you, but right now isn’t the best time to be listening for him with the noise blasting in front of you.

You felt a sudden jolt running up your spine as two large hands made their way down your sides, “Hey dolly, ya free tonight?” a sudden clasp to your hips as your brother whispered it so close that you could almost feel the way that his tongue rolled as he spoke.

“Fuck Bro!” You swing your body around elbow out read to hit him good in the side, but he flash stepped so quickly you couldn’t tell where he had went. You resorted to letting out a flustered sigh as you look up to see his arrogant mug grinning down towards you. “You could just say hello like a normal person you know.” He’s still leaning closely over you as his face contorts into something even eviler looking than before. You don’t know how he possibly did it, but then again he is Dirk.

He leans in closer so your faces are inches apart; you can tell he’s studying your features closely, daring you to move. He runs his hands down your chest as he lets out a heavily played sigh that could probably win him a fucking academy award, “Davey, I thought you were my babe though, my bird.” His hands fell from you with, leaving a trail of fire wherever they trailed. He then proceeded to grab your cheeks and squish your face together; making your lips pucker out and eyes scrunch a little.

“How was school Dave?”

You tried your best to articulate these next words to your fullest seeing that your face was being violated at the moment, no forgo that last statement, YOU were being violated at the moment. “It was okay.”

“Yeah no more fights I hope, wouldn’t want anyone to hurt my defenseless baby bro.” He jostled your head from left to right lightly.
You could feel your face quickly reddening from embarrassment, “Really, could you get off me now, I think you’re freaking Egbert out.”

Bro looked over towards the couch to see Egbert just observing the two of you from over the lip of his book. The look on John’s face said plainly confused, but yet undoubtedly scared. “Don’t worry, I won’t molest you Egbert.” Bro thankfully released your face and got up.

“You sticking around for a while John?”

“Oh no Mr. Strider, I uh, gotta be going soon.”

Bro understood, family is important and all. “Alright suit yourself. Dave after Egbert leaves I’ve got supper waiting for us in the kitchen alright.”

“Cool.” You wave him off as you lightly massage your sore cheeks. Bro then turned on his heels and walked down the hall to his room as Dave presumed.


You stayed in your room for the rest of the night after the two of you had eaten dinner. You lay on your back as you count the holes you’ve made in your ceiling from throwing things at it. Yet again something really gross your brother had managed to scrounge up with what little money he actually has left after paying bills and buying junk. You’re not going to complain to him though; you know that he tries really hard to keep things as close to as they were before the accident two years ago. You go without a lot more than you used to, which you don’t mind at all.

You roll over onto your side and tightly pull your pillow in closer to you as you lay across your bed. You press your face into it and fight back the sudden urge to just scream.

Sometimes you want to just let it all out, but your brother isn’t in the position to deal with your angst-filled teenage ass right now. He’s been getting home later than before; its 7:00 now where it used to be 6:00 last year. Your brother works in the local automotive shop, and always comes home with his hands covered in black soot and his black wife beater having one more hole in it than the day before. He works hard the keep the two of you out of debt, but it’s only been getting harder with the expense of the funeral added on top of all the other debts your parents had left behind for the two of you to magically work out.

Your grip lightens on your pillow as your heavy breathing slowly eradicates into long inhales. You feel like you’ve lost everything all at once at times. It wasn’t only your parents you had lost during the accident; you also had lost your brother. Sure, not physically gone but yet theoretically missing from you, like a part of you had lost him after all.

Fuck, life’s messed up. You quickly change position onto your back again as your stare upwards into total darkness now as your light bulb flickers out. Damn, you should probably tell Bro about that tomorrow. Dirk, he floods the gates of your mind and is refusing to go away. You hate it how you look at him. He’s only four years older than you and border lining true adulthood beyond awkward late teen years. You’re fifteen now, and are pretty sure you’re a lot more mature than kids your age. Maybe not as mature as Egbert though, that guy acts pretty damn convincingly professional at times, it kills me.

Your fingers begin to idly circle your bed sheets. There’s just something about Dirk that makes everything seem wrong. You try to avoid him at all costs when at home together, but some way or another he finds ways to taunt you endlessly. It’s probably just you though. His body is what kills you the most though; it’s just godly which shouldn’t be mortally possible, but somehow he’s made it happen. You can’t take your eyes off the way he walks sometimes, or the way his hips swing mindlessly as he hums to his favorite song while working on the piece of shit car your parents nicely left behind.
Too bad it’s completely totaled, and Bro’s been working on it for the past year or so. But still, it’s nice sometimes to just notice the small things he does like while talking he sometimes licks his lips which really gets you going.

It’s so, so wrong, and ridiculous to think of Dirk that way, but you can’t protest that you’ve had your fantasies. Fuck. Dave could feel the sudden rush to his groin area. This is wrong. Dave slides his idle hand down his cover to his abdomen. Feeling the trail of soft hair, he follows it to the hem of his shorts. He stops suddenly choked up because he can hear his brothers door click open as heavy footsteps soon followed.

Dave waited for Dirk to burst in at any moment, but he didn’t. To his relief he heard more footsteps then the door clicking back shut.

He rubbed himself through the fabric a few times before pushing his hand into the front of his shorts and grasping. Dave had trained himself to be quiet, so he bit his lip as he began to pump his hand slowly. He imagined this is how Dirk would start it out, slow and pleasurable. Dave would look up at his through cracked lids, both eyes in deep contact; red vs. orange. He would run his thumb over the top of his head, once, twice; then trail back down.

He’d keep no repetition at all, going from light fingers to full strokes. Dave would crane his neck to the side as Dirk would begin kissing from side to side on his neck. Dirk’s hands were most likely skilled in ways that Dave could probably never imitate, but he’d pretend that they were his. His long fingers could easily wrap around his length.

Dave began to quicken the pace. Dirk would kiss down to his nipples where he’d suckle on each one giving both equal attentions. With his free hand, Dirk would massage Dave’s inner thigh, rubbing up and down it. He’d push open Dave’s leg slightly as his hand trailed elsewhere.

Dave took his other hand and cupped around his balls and gave them a light squeeze. Dirk would play with them for a bit as he continued to pick up the pace. Dave’s hand quickened, and he felt close, but he didn’t want it to end yet. His head turned to the side as he breathed out hotly against his pillow, feeling the pressure build up.

Dirks hand would trace down your perineum, then up it. He’d apply pressure to this one spot that made your toes curl involuntarily as you bite down hard onto your bottom lip. Dave’s other hand was faltering as he massaged the area, but began a steady pace as he rubbed at the base of his dick then all the way back up to rub once more at his head’s beading wetness.

Dirk would go back up and kiss Dave on the lips, then softly along his jaw until he reached his earlobe which he gratefully nipped at. His voice was shaky, but firm as he repeatedly whispers into your ear, “Dave… Davey… come for me Dave.” Your hand grips tighter as you yank yourself harder and faster. It wasn’t long after that you had spilled your seeds all over you as you rode out the rest, slowing down your slickened hand.

He stilled for a moment, catching his breath before pulling his sticky hand out of his shorts. Dave took them off completely and threw them under his bed where he knew Bro would never look. He wiped his hand on his sheets, still feeling an afterglow. Dave pulled his covers up and stretched his arms outwards to get more comfortable, while listening to hallowed sounds of the house.

It hit him hard though no less than a minute after he began to feel his eyelids become heavy. What Dave had just done wasn’t the first time, and Dave was horrified to know that it wasn’t going to be his last either.

bro/dave, homestuck, dirk/dave, stridercest

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