Update, School and Naming of random precious objects.

Aug 31, 2011 09:19

Ok I thought it might be time for another update on my life and maybe a short explanation of why I've been so absent this summer

School started up again monday last week and I've been using these days to work up an opinion of the school, teachers, classes and try to anticipate what this year is going to be like

I'll be studying these subjects:
Norwegian, History, Mathmatics, Science, P.E. and International English

I think I would've hated Norwegian classes less if the teacher hadn't completely forgotten which subject she's supposed to be teaching. Currently she's been rambling non stop about politics…. *sigh*

I still don't know what history's going to be like. We've just started with the first couple of thousand years of human existence and then we'll be working our way forward to modern history through the course of the year. The teacher is eager enough, and nice to chat with, but he has some screwed up and amateur view on evolution… He literally stated the other day, that humans evolved from Monkeys.

I haven't had Mathmatics for a year, but currently we're going through pretty basic stuff and watching how some of my classmates struggle I almost feel like a mathematical genius xD

My science teacher seems to do everything he can to make it interesting… it still isn't

P.E.'s horrible as always.

International English….
Now that was one of four subjects we could choose. Physics, Sociology, Marketing and International English
Apparently the English is a special course that, if you take it, you don't have to take any english tests like everyone else if you ever want to study abroad, and so on@
and as I enjoy English, feel that I'm pretty alright with it, and also really dislike the thought of any of the other subjects, that's what I chose, thinking it would hopefully be interesting.

well, I went to the first class and

Teacher (in slightly broken english): "Let's start off playing this game I found! 8D"
Siseja: ._.

uhm yeah
Interesting indeed.

Also I dunno if I wrote this in the last post but I bought a new iPod, as mine was malfunctioning greatly… and I needed more space for my music
but when I was at the mall, looking for a store that sell them at a reasonable price, Kim and I had a little laugh
at one of the stores we looked in, I asked the clerk if they had any ipod classics
and he went "What kind did you say?"
Siseja: "Classic, iPod"
Clerk: "you mean color?"
Siseja: "hum nooo, I mean design"
Clerk: "yes, color, we've got green, black and pink"
Siseja: "uhm, no, DESIGN, as in classic, nano, shuffle, touch, etc."
Clerk: *stares at Siseja confused*

so yeah
I ended up naming my newly bought iPod Classic Puddle Jumper :3

also, about Under the Roller Coaster
I thought I would have spare time enough to actually write it after work
but I didn't
I tried and it didn't work
besides, the job made me pretty depressed and I lost inspiration =w=
I'll try to see if I can continue and finish it now, after I've finally stopped working and started up school, but I can't promise anything

My father's cousin ran off with my car
So now I'm running off with my mom's car pretty much all the time xD
it's kind of fun, 'cause her car is wayyyy better than mine :3

also, my laptop screen broke
so it's getting repaired
first I thought I would have to buy a new one
but then it turned out there was still a warranty on it
so yayy 8D
I will have my little ….. and at this point Siseja realizes she never named her beloved laptop…. HE SHALL BE NAMED SWAGGARD
and everyone shall love him

I've been reading a lot of Inheritance Cycle lately =w= can't wait for the fourth book
I just ordered it the other day. MY THEORIES HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. The fourth book shall indeed be green. Ah dragons <3
I've come to the conclusion that if I was to ever become a dragon rider, I'd want a dark purple dragon and I shall name him/her/it Inithrandihr. No idea what it means it just sounds cool and ancient-y :3
yes, according to shepherd that's a word.

Also, my new school mac is named Birdpoop. Because I can.

uhm what else, what else?
I went to see Conan the Barbarian with Kim
It was just as epic awesome as I knew it would be ^^
lots of blood ^^
though the love scene was a bit uncalled for
I mean
who wants to watch het sex on the big screen? =w=

but now that I realize I haven't been paying attention to class, as I'm writing this instead, I shall finish this entry up with this one word:



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