Okay, so I've pretty much completely stopped reading fanfics, I almost never update my LJ anymore, it's been a week since I last checked my f-list, I don't watch anime, I'm never on msn anymore either, I have completely given up on writing and I find myself growing less and less sadistic crazy every day
;___; I don't know who I am anymore
and for the past week I've been trying to ignore Tumblr in favor of school, but I can feel it calling every time I open an empty tab.... =w=
I removed one of the wisdom teeth, and it bled for like 7 hours xD But otherwise it wasn't so bad. Then the dentist thingy decided she didn't wanna bother giving me braces, so now I have this annoying rubber band thingie instead, and I can't chew properly and it hurts =w=
Kim and I are still working on our One Piece Marathon, watching like our life depending on it xD We just passed the part where Luffy punches the Tenryubito and there is full panic and chaos... not looking forward to the oncoming battle between the Kuma Cyborg and the Mugiwara crew >__< it's gonna be painful
next Saturday T thing and I are gonna celebrate our birthdays together xD which is..you know.. kinda late, since my birthday was in March and hers in June xD Anyway, unlike previous parties, we're not gonna have any cosplay, but there IS a dresscode, namely bowtie xD Yeah, I'm way too much in love with Doctor Who
Karen, my mother's cousin, my horseback riding teacher, and also the owner of the establishment is short of staff and she needs more people who can work as guides, and I was first on her list of candidates 8D I'm confident in my riding skills, but it's kinda scary with all the responsibility I'll have and all the rules and precautions to follow =w= but it's well payed, and, after all, IT'S A JOB WHERE I RIDE A HORSE ALL DAY, so I'm at least gonna try :3 I will have to update myself on all the horses at the school though =w= been way too long since I rode over half of them so I don't remember how they work and stuff, and I'll need all the info and experience I can get so I'll have at least some control =w=
My dad randomly got the idea that he wants to buy me a new car
I don't want a new car, I like the one I've got, and even though it's over ten years old, it's still making me feel like a spoiled brat living off daddy's wallet =w=
My mom's got a plan though, because he wants to buy her a new car too. So she's gonna try to see if, when she gets a new car, my sister can have her old one, and in that case, I can have my sister's old car (it's a beautiful 6 year old red one that looks a tiny bit sports car-ish)....
still feeling like a spoiled brat though