2014 in review

Dec 31, 2014 16:29

Now in it's third year! Previous years: 2012, 2013

Quick overview

I posted 53 podfics over 4 fandoms with a total of 12:55:13 with an average podfic of 00:14:38. I have successfully increased the number of fandoms by one in a pattern of one per year. It is however 2 podfics, and 05:19:14 less and the average podfic is 00:05:16 shorter. The massive drop in total time isn't at all surprising since every time I looked at a longish fic I went "ugh" and switched to something I could record in one session. The consequences of this are clear below.

There are two collaborations which skew the data quite a bit, but I forgot they were there until just now and am too lazy to go back and do the stats.

The fandoms are:
Marvel: Mostly Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I just lump everything together since A-Babies vs X-Babies can technically be read as a De-aged!AU.
HP: Harry Potter
Alera: Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher
AtLA: Avatar:the Last Airbender.

Of the two I'm not posting one is from the author I was waiting on last year (never let it be said I'm not patient!) so I'm officially moving it to the "Not posting" pile. (Seriously author, write to me. I'll be ecstatic). The other was fun to record but it's not a fic I feel comfortable posting.

Technically 4 of those 7 podfics can be posted. They just need cover art (2), my working up the nerve to post something that was posted by someone the day I was going to post (1), my convincing myself that it's actually worth posting (1). Two need a final listen and only one is being edited. I'm very pleased with the last because one of my goals this year was not to work on too many things at once and I've finally started to reach the point where I have <5 in active work at any given time.

This was pretty much the year of Marvel. With The Winter Soldier coming out and a huge explosion of the Steve/Bucky side, I spent most of my time there. I also read a lot of longfic in RPF fandoms as essentially origfic which I have no interest in podficcing. It was a bad year for Harry Potter fics. I'm pretty sure I listened to more HP podfics than I read fic and there wasn't a ton of HP podfics this year.

I deliberately sat out Amplificathon this year because I didn't want the stress and because I wanted to focus on longer podfics. I failed spectacularly. My longest solo podfic is only 00:35:42 long. (The longest was a collaboration with reena where she did all the heavy lifting). I failed at finishing my podficbigbang project. It's barely over an hour and is waiting on a final listen.

This was the year of preslashy gen and M/M. I was actually surprised to realize that I had podficced other categories. I don't think these numbers are quite right since some of those M/M might be genderswap fics. I didn't differentiate in my records (which is an error I'll have to fix at some point). But all in all, not a good year for the rarer things in fic.

Since it was mostly Marvel this year I just stuck to authors with BP since I felt odd asking about podficcing incredibly short stories. You can't tell from the graph, but most of those "wrote to ask" are from towards the end of the year where I started exhausting my list of short fics that had BP.

Other stats
Fests: The only fest I participated in was HP Podfic Fest for which I recorded a shameful 5 podfics totalling just over an hour. As previously mentioned I failed at podficbigbang.

Pairings: My most podded pairing continued to be Steve/Bucky at 12, although a lot those Marvel genfic were very slashable. The second is apparently Steve/Tony (which shocks me since I don't really ship those two), but upon further investigation one was a collab, one was because the author said so (I thought it was gen when I first read it) and the last was a parody.

Authors: I podficced 42 different authors, with 4 from legete.

What was the most popular podfic you made this year?
The podfic with the highest kudos was a collab with reena but solo effect was but hey, you're alright, which was my longest podfic.
By hits it was #soulbond which I'm a little bewildered by, but yay!

Most underappreciated?
Besides Given, my Codex Alera obscure-rarepair-in-an-obscure-book-fandom podfic that I did not expect to find any listeners for? I wish more people tried Memo. It's such a great Umbridge piece and I really like the way it came out. But alas, it's Umbridge gen 1st person POV epistolary fic.

Personal favourite, for whatever reason?
So many! I love User's Guide to HYDRA's Enhanced Manpower Asset for it's horrifying hilarity, Sam Wilson: Ghost Hunter, because it's so ridiculous, Dad's Got Skeletons because again, funny.

Most difficult to make?
None of them. They were all easy which is why I recorded them. If there was something I was having trouble recording I just trashed it immediately.

Most “ah ha ha I can’t believe I’m doing this”?
A Unicorn in the Avengers Tower, But That's Not Even The Important Part of the Story, because it's so dumb and makes fun of fandom cliches and I was baffled at myself the whole time.

Most fun to make?
Dad's Got Skeletons, because horrified and appalled Tony gives me life!

Was there one that didn’t turn out the way you wanted?
I had a lot of trouble with Progress Reports, Pancakes, and Paper Planes and I'm not sure I got the right voice for it.

Biggest learning experience?
Sometimes I get stuck in a rut, obsessing over making that one line sound perfect. It's okay to leave in that blip, that mispronunciation. I've gotten better at forgiving myself for making mistakes that I would never ever be concerned about if it was in someone else's podfic.

“Firsts” of the year?
I recorded my first podfic in a miniscule fandom, and my first A/B/O podfic.

What’s next? Do you have any podfic goals for next year?
Epic Podfic Big Bang!

More achievable: I want to get cover art for my podfics before I do the converting to mp3. I think if I have everything already ready I'll be more willing to upload it the day I finish rather than wait for inspiration for the "perfect" cover to strike me.

I want to keep working on making podfics without focusing on feedback. I also want to figure out some sort of system to do longer podfics.


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