2015 in review

Dec 31, 2015 23:24

Continuing my annual tradition: 2012, 2013, 2014

Quick overview

This year was brutal as far as my podfic production was concerned. I managed 24 podfics in 2 fandoms for a total of 07:43:47 with an average length of 00:19:19. The only thing that went up was the average length (but it's the second lowest). Everything else took a nosedive.

This year I was better about waiting for permission before I started recording so there aren't any podfics I can't post. The four podfics that are ready for posting just need cover art. (Technically only 3 covers since two podfics come as a set).

It was mostly short podfics again this year. I just didn't have the patience or inclination to work on long podfics. I think most of the heavy lifting on the two longer podfics were actually done last year. (ETA: yep. I talked last year about my podficbigbang needing a final listen. That was Hollow and Honeycomb the longest one).

Category-wise it was mostly gen, and even the shippy ones were genish. All the shipfic I've been reading has been 100K epics. I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't even manage one F/F podfic this year.

Unlike previous years, a lot of those "wrote to author" are for very short stories. At this point I think I can successfully say that I have zero problems writing to authors for permission. The only problem is occasionally finding a way to contact them.

Other stats
Fests: I had thought that all my Harry Potter podfics were for the hp_podfic_fest, but it turns out that one wasn't! Huh. Otherwise I wasn't very participatory.

Pairings: My most podded pairing continued to be Steve/Bucky, this time with a woeful 2 podfics. It was all gen all the time.

Authors: I podficced 22 different authors, with only 2 repeat visits.

So at this point is anyone surprised when I admit that I'm not heavily in the Harry Potter fandom anymore? I still listen to podfic and look at fanart. But with the exception of short genfic I haven't read anything in quite a while. The last Harry/Draco fic I read was probably back in May (and that was rereading an old fav). Maybe I'll post the occasional short gen podfic, but other than finishing up one Harry/Draco I have 50% done, my HP production next year doesn't look rosy. But hey, Fantastic Beasts is coming out! Maybe I'll eat crow and come back with a vengeance?

As for MCU. I haven't been reading much in this either. It feels like there's too much dross to wade through to find the gems. Also the canon hasn't been making me feel passionate about it. I didn't care for AoU and while I enjoyed Antman I didn't really feel the need for fic. I'm pretty sure Civil War will bring something good Steve/Bucky-wise so I have high hopes.

Right now I'm mostly reading in fandoms I know nothing about. There's nothing like reading good long ATG that doubles as original m/m romance. I don't feel like podficcing those because I'm only reading them once for the tropey romance and podficcing them is too much investment.

I think next year will continue with less podfic. I have a lot more things going on in real life and I've started reading more profic again too (125 books this year!), which leaves me with less time for fandom. Why can't someone invent a machine that adds more hours to the day? Or better yet, why can't I win the lottery so that I can retire and devote myself to my hobbies XP


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