Oct 09, 2007 11:51
I miss my ORG girls. I miss you all a lot. I just tend to get in weird nostalgic moods every once in a while lately, it seems and...I miss you all and I've kind of realized that beyond maybe the occasional LJ entry or "hi" on AIM, I haven't talked to any of you very much in...well, really, the past year. And it's just strange to think about, when you go back and look at old LJ entries and such, because we were all so close and attached and used to be so informed and involved in each others lives and I kind of miss that little close knit group. I know we've all gone on and moved on a lot in "real life," which is great and probably healthy, hah, but I miss you all.
So we are chatting. Sometime soon, all of us. I don't care, no excuses, we can all clear out an hourish to catch up with each other. (BETH. This is to you especially because I haven't talked to you in about TWENTY YEARS -slight exaggeration- and I miss you!)
So, um. my screenname is carolinakoukla, in case you don't already have it, IM me, if I'm in my dorm, I'm probably on. Or post here what time soon would be good for you guys, so we can figure it out.
I love you all,