Final Fantasy XIII

May 08, 2012 10:06

Bought Final Fantasy XIII, the first FF game I've ever played. (Sacrilege!) I'm on chapter 6, into the second CD. Just about everyone who would play this probably already has, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. :PImpressions so far:

Lightning and Snow = Cloud Strife and Zach Fair. Not that that's a bad thing. :D *loves* Also, hooray, female lead who is a soldier, acts like it, and has fighting skills to match.

Vanille minces everywhere. O.o Also, the other characters keep calling her a kid. Only if 14 - 16 still counts as a kid, IMO, because she's got to be at least that old. (Now Hope, yeah, he's a kid.) I was a bit confused at first with the storyline because I thought Vanille was Lightning's sister until they actually showed Serah. Just how common is pink hair in this world?

I like that they keep switching up the parties so you're never spending too long with any one combination. It forces you to mix things up. In the same vein, I like that good chunks of the party don't get along with each other, in fact spend a good amount of time arguing with each other. Character development yay! There are some parts where I don't think it does quite a good enough job of explaining the character's reactions in-game, though. (Hope's reaction to Snow just didn't quite click for me until he and Lightning got to talking in chapter 5.)

I haven't quite got the hang of the weapons upgrade system yet. (Do you really just throw random stuff at the weapons until they've got enough EXP points to level up?) Also, does Snow's motorcycle really combine the way I seem to remember it combining? Because if so, um, wow. >.O On the other hand, I do like the slow build of the battle system. I've never played a game that uses this type of system before, so the starting out very basic and gradually adding elements worked very well for me. Or maybe that's a common way to do it and my inexperience is showing.

Resisting the urge to go see if there's any decent fic because must not spoiler self!
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