As I was walking back to the nunnery today after lunch, I was thinking about many things. First, the fact that I really want this week to end quickly and with loose ends all tied up and taken care of so I can get to Easter Break sooner. Then, I was glad that my Fall Semester schedule was all ready and taken care of ... one less
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Comments 4
The GRE is a pain. It's a lot like the SAT, only the English section is 10 times harder. I thought I'd be able to make educated guesses on the meaning of words using their root Greek or Latin like I did in high school, but somehow, during the GRE I was only tested on words that I couldn't do that with and therefore had no idea what they meant! The math part of the GRE is actually around the same level as the SAT math, but if you haven't done high school math in a while, it may be difficult. Also, calculators aren't allowed.
I've been meaning to ask: What do A.M.D.G. and J.M.J. mean?
Ben, who took 4 years (I think) of HS Latin actually found that it DID help him on the language portion of the GRE.
Ganbatte! \^_^/
I plan on getting some of those GRE guides and such to help me prep. Math has never really been my strong point and my terminal math class at AQ was Intermediate Algebra/Intro to Trig. I got a B in that class but the GRE most probably goes beyond that. Luckily for me, SHMS will probably care more for how I did in general with a probable focus on my Language,etc score. I am going for a MA in Theology and Pastoral Ministry ... not Math.
I am sooo looking forward to taking Latin next year! It would *almost* make me wish for the new school year to get here. But, I am not that desperate. I just want to gradumatate and move on.
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