Feb 05, 2006 19:07
Ive just found out that my sister is afraid of shrimp.
Its marvelous.
Whenever she comes near me i just pelt her with shrimp or just shake them at her menacingly.
Its marvelous.
Jan 11, 2006 17:15
So im coming back to cchs.
I talked to my mom this morning and she says if she can switch me out of lourdes in the middle of the year then she will.
im so excited, i cant wait to be done with lourdes.
Im coming back at the end of the month!
Jan 05, 2006 07:40 that we get a 2 hour delay even though there isn't any snow at all.
How ridonkulous.
Dec 27, 2005 07:55
im going to ikea!
at 8 o'clock, so im there right when it opens!
im so excited!
Dec 20, 2005 18:04
long time no update, eh?
i think im finally done with my christmas shopping.
i cant wait til i come back to cornwall next year.
lourdes is so bland and i hate wearing the uniform.
over and out.
Nov 07, 2005 21:25
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want- good or bad. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or moritified) about what people remember about you
Sep 13, 2005 06:49
woa, first day of school yesterday.
yesterday i thought i had a bad day but in retrospect it wasnt that bad.
i was being a drama queen.
today will be spiffing.
my icon cheers me up.
i love anjelina jolie.
my cousin thinks that paris is hotter than anjelina.
he must be insane or incredibly daft.
Sep 04, 2005 14:33
im going to the comic book store, lalalalala...