(Note: A slightly modified version of this was posted on the Lush forum. If you think you've seen this before, that's probably why.)
There were actually quite a few highlights for me this year. It didn't start off super-well, but it got much, much better.
-I got a new (to me) car, a 2001 Honda Civic. I wish it had been under different circumstances and I really enjoyed not having a car payment, but I really like this car!
-I won Jaycee Jeopardy at the state Jaycee convention, qualified to compete at the national competition in Memphis, and took second place in the nation!
-While in Memphis for that convention, I saw
this guy for the first time in 15 years! We had such a good visit - he's very happily married now and is doing well and it made me really happy.
-I got my job at NSA! It's a very good company, I really like what I do, and I work with some awesome people.
-Met and started dating David. He's definitely a keeper!
-Reconnected with so many people I'd lost touch with, thanks to Facebook and to
The Brook. Among others, I found my best friend from grade school, whom I had been looking for for ages!
-Election Day. There are no words to describe how I felt when Obama was declared the next President of the United States - especially since I'd been on the Obama bandwagon right from the start. It was the best election night I can remember.