OMFG how great was Leverage last night? I nearly passed out from the sheer AWESOME of it all!
*The Hacker showdown/mexican stand off in the parking lot. complete with western music! I nearly passed out from laughing.
*The female Mossad agent, holy crap how BADASS was she? and Finally a tough woman on tv who isnt shaped like a twig or a tiny cute ferret. I mean srsly why are there not more full bodied women on tv? Especially when they are playing cops or other tough roles. This lady was insanely gorgeous too, watching her and Eliot fight was probably my most favorite thing about the whole episode. LOL and of course she was the sniper who shot him in a past job. I cant decide if that revelation made him want to bone her more or less. Seriously I'd watch a whole episode devoted to those two and their globe trotting adventures kicking ass and being hot together.
* Apollo robbins! It was so cool to see him. and His bonding moments with Parker in the air ducts and then later at the end where they time each other on who can pick the locks the fastest. too funny and wonderful.
*Nate/Sophie! I love that their relationship seems to be moving forward, albeit not very much, but at least we have a clear idea that Nate like likes sophie as it were and Sophie is having an identity crisis. Looks like the team will have to do without her next week. and how cool is it that Sophie was the one people feared in her old crew and not her nate like sleazy partner.
*Parker acting like Sophie had really died.
*Hardison making a Star Trek referance and Parker being the only one to get it. The little fist bump! Parker's exasperated expression! *dies*
I love this show so much. It's such a pulpy fun show. It has so many things I like, I mean the superheroes fight AU versions of themselves plot is one my favorite plotlines in comics and seeing it on tv in a heist show (which is another thing I love, heist stories!) is easily the best thing ever. I know alot of people were excited about Wil Wheaton making an appearance in this episode as an evil hacker but I...have no idea who he is :x I will say he was awesome as the evil hacker though! and Sterling is coming back next week! WOO
So I've really gotten into Pysch lately. I started watching it seriously about 2 weeks ago (whereas before I would watch eps very casually as they came on) but for whatever reason I decided I wanted to start watching the show for real and so I started from S1 with the pilot and went from there dling eps that people would recommend me the most or sounded interesting etc etc. I've watched pretty much all of S3 and S2 now, and half of S1. I missed the first episode in S4 but saw the other two.
I cant believe I ever thought this was a silly show. It really makes me happy and grin from ear to ear everytime I watch it and I'm one of those people who really respects comedy. Comedies get a raw deal in most award shows or critiques but humor is HARD to do well and when I find something really funny and clever I enjoy it so much more than something that's mostly serious or dead serious all the time. Also Pysch has alot of quirky mad cap and absurd humor which has always been my favorite kind. Shawn is also my favorite kind of protaganist. The Slacker Genius. I love this kind of character who seems like a slacker and a clown but is in fact incredibly smart and competant. That's always a fun contrast and you know every class back in school had that one kid, who never took anything seriously but was so clearly bright and intelligent beyond the average and you just KNOW if they applied themselves, worked hard, played the game, they'd be able to rule the world. But they'd rather take it easy and have fun. That's Shawn in a nutshell. Gus is more the working guy but he's far from dull or conventional, he is a HUGE dork and geek and loves comics and spelling bees and knows all kinds of obscure and handy facts about all kinds of subjects. Whereas most of Shawns' working knowledge relates to 80's pop culture and detective work.
That being said. LOVE all of the cast. Especially Shawn and Gus of course, I cant decide who I adore more in fact. Sometimes I think it's Gus and other times Shawn. But ultimately they are a perfect duo. I love how they are able to play off each other so well. They are so BFF. Watching them be BFF together is the best thing about the show honestly. That and all the ridiculous obscure 80's references. Most of which I do not get. Part of what makes Psych so great
for me as well is how organic and real the characters feel even when they are all a pretty quirky bunch, with shawn as the leader in offbeat behaviors. So much of the humor is character related, that I get now why it didnt appeal to me as much before. The show is funnier the more you know about each character, and the dramatic happenings are more interesting the more you care about them. I love how this show handles relationships, they evolve overtime for example. Lassiter is very short and dismissive of both shawn and his female rookie partner in the beginning but later on we see them become a really good team to almost rival Gus and Shawn and even kind of sort of friends. It's not often shows focus much on friendships or partnerships between people of the different sex. Usually it's played up as sexual tension but not so in the case of Lassie and Jules, which makes their interactions very refreshing especially when they become a true team. Also Shawn has a big crush on Jules already. Something alot of people in fandom dont like (everyone's a critic eh? I say why cant people just sit back and enjoy the show.) I think it's cute so far though that bit in the S3 finale was a bit much. I trust the writers. Another relationship we see evolve is the one with Shawn and his father, which starts out very hostile in S1 but gets much better over the course of the series and Shawn's Dad is very much a big part of the show, good thing too cause Henry is awesome. It's also worth noting that Gus is not very keen on his side job of being Shawn's partner in solving cases until at least the 3rd season when he seems to really get into it. Another great thing about Pysch is in the age of procedurals, Pysch is a show that manages to always shake up the formula and keep things fresh. Something I really appreciate. and It's just such a fun warm hearted show that I really cant help but love it! Especially the pysch outs. I'm gonna list my fave Psych eps so far:
9 lives
Weekend Warriors (this one was really perfect from start to finish)
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He's Dead
Scary Sherry (James Roday actually co wrote this one!)
65 Million Years Off (I laughed SO hard at this one)
If you're so smart, then why are you dead?
Black and Tan: a crime of fashion (Roday also wrote this one and it was such an excellant ep!)
Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead
The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable
Lassie did a Bad, Bad thing.
An Evening with Mr.Yang (so intense! Who knew james roday could make such tormented faces. He also wrote this one btw, possibly to show he could make tormented faces?)
High Noon
High Top Fade Out
aaaaand..that's all! (I'll post more bits for the five fandom things meme next post)