Can't believe how long it's been since I updated. I've been distracted by a lot of non-fandom things still going on, and spending a lot of time babbling about Mad Men on TWOP-no, not bashing Megan or JP’s teeth! There were times I was overdosing on her a bit and I don't think JP is that strong of an actress, especially relative to the rest of the
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Comments 15
It particularly doesn't make sense to me because it seems like this show is failing in the *opposite* way than how tv shows usually fail. Rather than inventing pointless drama (love triangle aside) and dragging things out forever, it *has* plenty of potential drama that it either only shows through glimpses, ignores completely, or resolves within five minutes.
I was ready for the second season to be a non-bender Avatar getting in touch with her spiritual side, but... Nope. That took care of itself!
Also, Korra/Mako really just confirms the utter inability of the writers to begin to grock romance. -_- The rest just really baffles me because it's stuff that they did so *well* in the first series.
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