Music Meme #11

Oct 07, 2010 00:12

I thought about putting Sober by Evanescence, but thought that might be a weeeee tiny bit too obvious. Instead, here is a song that I heard roughly 11 million times in my teenage years. Mom got on a Gordon Lightfoot kick and played the tape this song was on so much that she wore it through. TWICE. It was the only thing she listened to for ages, and it drove me batshit because repetition doesn't really sit well with me.

I may have once "accidentally" knocked it behind the stereo while cleaning just to get a break from this dude. I got yelled at until it was discovered a week later, but it was worth it. I regret nothing.

image Click to view

PS - I am taking it on faith that this video works, because I'm not listening to it. :P

music meme thing

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