Here we are, about two months out from the start of a Donald Trump presidency, which is something I never thought I'd see, and certainly something I never wanted.
I'm frightened, to be perfectly honest. I think about how horrible this all is, and I get a tightness in my chest, and a headache, and it's like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. While I was driving to work today, I had wave after wave of anxiety and despair (which wasn't helped by some jackass in a Lexus SUV cutting me off). I was even panicking about the Grand Tour boys being in Nashville, Tennessee for today's taping -- and praying that some crazed individual wouldn't attack the set and hurt somebody.
So when Richard Porter tweeted that the taping had been a success, and Jeremy added a gorgeous picture of Richard a bit later on, it was a huge relief.
The Grand Tour premiere was a smashing success, and it's been a shining light through the darkness of our current political situation. The boys look so happy, and the show is getting fantastic reviews all around. Drive Tribe is starting up (though I'm too damn busy to launch my own tribe), the TGS Secret Santa event is underway, and we still have eleven weeks more of three wonderful idiots driving cars and falling over.
My son gave me some good news about his future job prospects. Looks like he has a six-month production job with a movie in Chicago.
Daughter is coming home for Christmas.
So, yeah, the world still turns even though America just elected a horrible man as President.
And even though I'm stressed, in some ways the pressure is off. Certain things are coming into focus, like the real threat this new administration presents to people who don't look, worship, or think like them. I actually think we need to rework this entire idea of what an "ally" is -- because, to be frank, the majority of the American population (women, people of color, people with disabilities, immigrants, the LGBTQ community) is under threat from these nutjobs. I have no patience with the circular firing squad that tends to develop when liberals and Democrats lose elections. We don't have time to navel-gaze about white feminists and microaggressions when there is an existential threat to our civil rights.
Yes, we need to change the way we elect our presidents, and the gerrymandering system has to go, and so many other things. But right now we need to survive and help those who are under the biggest threat. I gave some extra money to Planned Parenthood and to our local homeless shelter. And I'm going to work to make my church Open and Affirming sometime next year.
My mind feels sharp, and I give fewer fucks about unimportant things now, and I hear a lot of good ideas coming out of my mouth these days. There's probably some bullshit, too -- but I think that this fear I'm feeling is helping me focus on what's important.
And if you're reading this, you are probably part of what helps keep me going from day to day. Thank you, my worldwide community of friends.