hey sweety I called you last night wile I was at work I clean office buildings again now...I think your sister answered and she told me you live with ajay now and I gave her my number to give to you well its 248 722 3790 so call me we gota hang out soon I miss you wots otay bye Jeffy
sorry I've been workin a lot. I'll call you this week, I have sundays off, well for now anyways I might go in for four hours on sunday if the new owner lets me.
yeah but AJ is a stupid cunt I don't live with her psycho ass anymore! who throws away a ten year friendship because i refuse to apologize to some chick I've never met, talked to, or done one single thing to ever in my life! fuck that lousy drunk, how can someone have the audacity to judge me cause i smoke pot, heres a girl that quit smoking pot to graduate to drinking beer and taking sleeping pills every single night.. go figure.. yet she has this belief that she isnt an addict, haha ok the cheap version of marilyn monroe is still killing herself... anyways I'll call you on sunday
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