(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 23:11

Garages on Sanford Street:

Bleak industrial buildings, grey in color with drab blue signs above the car areas that read "West Garage" and "East Garage". The areas where the cars are housed have metal, grated doors that allow a person to see inside like fencing.

Continuing along Sanford Street, One will come across the [Motel Haerbey Inn]

Exterior: Green. There's an overhang that cars drive through to get to the parking lot. The rooms are arranged in a square, doors opening out to the parking area. Near the office there are newspaper dispensers, a phone and the like - standard fare in front of a place such as this.

In the game, you can't go through the front door of the office, but if you go around to the back you can get in. Pretending you can get in the front door (either is acceptable for silenthell_rpg, the interior is thusly-

Interior: Coming in from the front door is the reception area. Off to the right there is a brown sectional couch that lines the corner and an ash tray. Next to the couch is a red vending machine. The carpet is green and patchy in places. Across from the couch is the reception desk which consists of a sign in sheet, some record books. Nothing major.

Past the reception desk is a door - probably wouldn't be open to the public, but there's no one manning the reception desk, so let's head in.

Off to the right again, there's a safe or something and a tv on a cabinet. Then there's a door but it's jammed, a desk with lamp, some books and a journal on it. Next to the desk is a low bookshelf with a radio on top. Continuing around the room, there's a door - this is the rear exit that you come in in SH1 with the code you get from the Indian Runner. On the adjoining wall is another door - this leads to the garage and is open. Next to that is a white couch with a coffee table in front of it. The table is littered with various items - a pack of cigarettes, an ash tray, a newspaper and a magazine (Looks like a porn magazine to me). There's also a poster of a scantily clad woman on the wall.

Exiting the door to the mini garage, you'll find there's room for a car, but no car inside. Instead you might find a motorcycle - yellow with grey seating and some kind of red decals. It doesn't run, so don't get any ideas. There's nothing in the gas tank in silenthell_rpg either. In front of the motorcycle, there's a shelf used for the kinds of things you'd find in a garage - oil cans, batteries, etc. A fine layer of dust covers everything, as if long abandoned. There may be a pack of shotgun shells and a health drink in the garage. Feel free to substitute the type of bullets you need.

Along the back wall is a deep sink, a towel rack with an old dingy towel and a blue wastebasket.

In silenthell_rpg, your character is free to go in any of the rooms in the inn. They're all laid out about the same. This post bases the layout off of the one room you can go in in Silent Hill 1 : Kaufmann's room. (Incidentally, room 3)

As you go in, there's a lamp right, the window is to the left. Green drapes with white undercurtains adorn the windows. (Rooms across the way will have the layout reversed, but same items inside.) On the back of the door, the fire map and check out time are posted. There's also a second security lock - if your character would like to relocate, they may be able to keep monsters out for a night by sliding this lock into place and jamming something in front of the door, but it's a short-term solution. If they want you, they'll find a way in - windows are glass, remember.

There is a chair in the corner to the left, next to the bed, which is plain - no blankets or sheets. There's also a nightstand on the other side of the bed with a small lamp and a bible. There's a chest of drawers near the foot of the bed.

There's a small bathrooom, tiled in green and white which contains a bathtub/shower and sink. Oddly enough, there is no toilet.

Bachman & Weaver run parallel outside the Inn, a park with a pond in the center, and Annie's Bar. Craig Street crosses both behind Annie's Bar.

Annie's Bar:
Exterior: There's a red awning over the doorway. Stenciled on the wall it says "Open Daily (hours) POOL"

To the right of the main entrance, there are two newspaper dispensers and a trash bin. Where the pool tables are inside, there's a giant window. Over the window are stenciled the words "WINE BEER LIQUOR" The window is banked by a logo in blue and yellow depicting a flaming pool ball.

To the left of the main entrance is a window that looks into the bar. There are sports logos and assorted ads in the window. Above the window is a sign that reads "Player." Just a bit further left is a hedge and a red fire hydrant.

Interior: You walk in, and there's a bar. Along the wall behind the bar, there's a store room, and then off to the right, there are pool tables. That's about it. There aren't even like...normal tables like there usually are in a bar.

Going from Annie's Bar, down Craig Street to Weaver

All along the Right side of the street are hedges fencing in the park, left side has a yellow building that looks like a community center, senior center or very plain church. Next door to that is a burger joint called AEC Burger - looks like a McDonalds rip off of the old timey McDonalds with the single yellow arch over the entrance. The walls are candystriped.

If you try to keep going this way, the road drops off.

Turn and go to Indian Runner

Exterior: Drab brown building of average height with windows along one wall and a double door.

Interior:Coming in, there is a red welcome mat. Wooden shelves are knocked over to the right, boxes stacked up to the left. The place looks like it was ransacked during a stocking session or something.

Going further in, there are goods scattered around. A cash register & checkout counter is on the left.

Behind the counter is an cabinet which may or may not have the safe key. Inside the safe are packets of White Claudia (THESE ARE NOT PRESENT IN SILENTHELL_RPG GAME CANON). Beside the register in the back there may or may not be a health drink. Next to the register there is a note:

3 loaves of bread
3 cartons of milk
2 dozen eggs
Deliver to back door daily 8 a.m.
Rear entrance code 0886
Norman Young

There's a photo on the wall behind the register of an old man standing in front of a Hotel. The words Norman's Grand Opening are emblazoned in red across the photo. It looks like an old advertisement.


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