Letter to Horse Feed Companies.

Feb 26, 2007 09:19

From Tim Wooleey's site:

O.K. folks, here is the letter. I'm basically asking horse feed
companies to help out horse rescues after the slaughter houses close.
PLEASE feel free to use it, or change it, but PLEASE SEND IT!

Following the letter is a list of contact info sites. You can mail
it, or email it. JUST DO IT ! ! !

Here goes:

February 20, 2007

Dear ____________ _____,

I am sure you aware of the anti slaughter bills currently in the
House (HR 503) and the Senate (S311) to ban the slaughter of horses
for human consumption. The passage of theses bills would have a huge
economic impact on your company.

Although figures vary, if horse slaughter were to end in this
country, there would be approximately 35,000-50,000 more horses in
the horse community.

Our concern is that many of these horses will need to be housed
temporarily in horse rescues. They will need to be fed, and they will
have other needs as well.

It would be a wonderful gesture for your company to step up to the
plate and promise to help these rescues out. By donating a small
percentage of your profits or a small amount of your product to non-
profit 501 (c) (3) rescues in all states, you could give back to the
horse community. I�m sure you are well aware of the great
advantages of donating to humane causes. The public always loves it!

Americans love their pets and animals. If you should decide to help
these rescues, your company would be highly respected for your
efforts. It�s ALL GOOD PRESS!

Please consider this proposition. It would look even better if your
company were to come out with some sort of announcement BEFORE THE
BILL IS PASSED. GREAT public relations stuff!

Your consideration in this matter would be greatly appreciated and I
would be glad to discuss with you how your participation would
benefit America�s horses.

[End letter.]

Contact info:

LMF Feeds:


Purina Horse Feeds:


Triple Crown:




Manna Pro:



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