title: Something
author: Forgottenpolish
fandom: Futurama
things: Fry/Leela
written for: Ignazwisdom
Sometimes Fry thought that love was only for fools like him. That is was really just there to make him long for something that he could never have. It seemed like so many things were somethings that he could never have. Leela was the ultimate something he could never have, at least that is what he always thought, but now with her here lying in his arms, maybe he had a prayer.
Things had been slowly changing the last few months; her smile was softer to him. She seemed to have more patience. She actually accepted to have dinner with him once, only as friends, and only if it was take-out eaten in front of the TV with the others. Of course these slight changes had made him only more nervous, had made him want to try harder. The harder he tried though, the worse his failures, but the bigger her smile.
He did not understand the change, but then who was he to question it. He was finally gaining ground, on his way to getting the something thing he had always wanted. Then it had happened, he had almost lost her. Those bees, he was going to have quite the hatred of bees for a very long time. After that incident, she changed the most. There were glances, quick turnings of that head away when he caught her eye. He knew that she had had bad dreams while in the comma, but she had not spoken to anyone what they were, and it had seemed that she was more then ok.
But, about a month later was the firs time she showed up at his door, pillow in hand, eye swollen, asking for some company. He had smiled, lead her in tried to get her to talk, fought over who would take the bed, and then slept on the floor. Though she had never told him what was wrong, he knew it had been the dreams. He could tell by how tired she had looked the last few days and the worried mumbles that came from her sleep that night.
Fry thought it would be a one time thing but a few nights later she appeared at his door again. They went through the same routine a four more times, but on the fifth night she asked him to hold her. He thought he was the one who was dreaming, that it could not possibly be real. He tried to stay awake the whole night, trying to capture the perfect moment, but he feel asleep and she was gone in the morning. He knew for sure that was the last time, as she avoided him all the next day. But that night as he got ready for bed she showed up again, earlier this time sans pillow and a swollen red eye.
Every night since then she stayed with him. He left his door unlocked, waiting for her. Every night he held her, knowing that it was enough to have her like this. He did not needs words of from her nor any promises. She came to him when she was vulnerable, that was proof enough for him. He had his something. And he it did not matter what happened the next day as long as he could hold her at night.