Title: We Found Love in (Hell) A Hopeless Place Author: sitiisinsane Pairing: Kris/Baekhyun (hell!au) Summary: In which Kris is the King of Hell. Disclaimer: Noppity nope.
All hail the boypussy. Satan! This was so fun to read! I was imagining that each of the members would be the seven deadly sins, With baekhyun obv being lust but it seems that title goes to sehun or tao. Xing was especially cute because even though he's a hell raising demon thing he still likes to comfort (somewhat lol) his sculptures.
Comments 13
I think I'll never have enough courage to write hell AU tbh I'm too chickenshit to try lol
whispers please write hell!au.
brb reading you little sobs <333333
Perhaps because of the idea that heaven might not be exactly ideal for everyone.
I love the plot alot and the way it was written.
Satan! This was so fun to read!
I was imagining that each of the members would be the seven deadly sins,
With baekhyun obv being lust but it seems that title goes to sehun or tao.
Xing was especially cute because even though he's a hell raising demon thing he still likes to comfort (somewhat lol) his sculptures.
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