Anyone out there in friends list land looking for a pair to the Friday night Mets game? GS 24, Row 9, seats 25-26. $50 face each plus fees = $110 for the pair. Unobstructed; pole in the third base area (go
here and navigate through if you want specifics!). Can meet in the Fenway area today or tomorrow.
Kyle Snyder returns as a Bison!
Javier Lopez is charmed by Steve and his jersey.
Michael Bowden and his shadow.
Billy Traber and his mustache say "How you doin'?"
Generally pitchers going in pick a youngster to toss the ball to... Traber opted for an alarming hand delivery!
Clay Buchholz collecting the ball back after throwing to first.
Clay after the umps collectively overruled the ump who should have made the right call in the first place and finally settled on a home run. I'm assuming Clay kept his language clean, but I'm a little amazed that his expressions alone didn't get him run!
Angel Chavez and fan favorite (and apparently Angel favorite) Iggy Suarez.