Past Times, Other Worlds - 50 alternates

Feb 08, 2009 19:12


LOTR General...

I am doing Other Worlds table, click to see my table

001 Air
002 Earth
003 Fire
004 Water
005 Spirit

006 Darkness
007 Apprentice
008 Brigadoon
009 Castle
010 Cauldron

011 Dreams
012 Hero
013 Immortal
014 In the Clouds
015 Knight

016 Prince/Princess
017 Psychic
018 Steam Powered
019 Treasure
020 Underwater

021 Villain
022 Wicked Stepmother
023 Brownie
024 Centaur
025 Dragon

026 Dryad
027 Dwarf
028 Elf
029 Fairy
030 Faun

031 Genie
032 Ghost
033 Griffin
034 Lycanthrope
035 Naiad

036 Oread
037 Phoenix
038 Shapeshifter
039 Snow Queen
040 Sun God

041 Troll
042 Vampire
043 Witch
044 Wizard
045 Curse

046 Enchantment
047 Hawk
048 Horse
049 Snake
050 Wolf

50 alternates, other worlds

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