Yes, it got me.
I failed the test, which made feel that everything that i tried i failed, failure of everything that i'm doing in my life.
my father suggested me yesterday and i'm quote "burning your stories (the ones on notes)..." and those words were hurting me inside as i wished to diasspeared for good this time... but i didn't do anything...
you know, only the stories in the last 2 years, i believe, gave me the hope for living day after day, and in those years, rl was really sucks; i finished my service, and was found myself out of job, an employed, with my mom at home, and in that time, she and he, mather and father, did not get along, as i felt myself in the middle of the situation as she started to blaming me in words, and huting ones, that made me feel like nothing and worthless to her, if you know what i mean...
All of my stories, show what i feeling inside, as i hope that all peredhil's house, legolas and thranduil will forgive me someday... lol!
Sivan Shemesh