That is not a sight a person wants to greet when they've woken up with a bloody great big hangover, and I've seen you clad in only foam (ahh that was a fun night).
HAHAHAH!! you haven't LIVED 'til you've had fishes in your pants, I TELL YOU! Amorous seaweed, that--never did find that kilt I was wearing. NO WORRIES.
see, you get hungover when you drink wi'out me. That'll show ya.
Well, erm.....Perce, I didn't know, PLAN IT, per se--it just sort of happened!! Poor Lorne needed extra bartenders for his club, Pinks was doing the costumes I rather caught up?
Far less dangerous than the auroring I was planning on going back to, aye? This way I can STILL be Shacklebolt and Tonks's paperwork slave, make money and play on the weekends. THE PERFECT PLAN!! ...except for the strange people licking me I suppose. BUT!! You, you are my one and true Perce and I don't actually LIKE anyone licking me but you! ~nod nod~
awww Perce, c'mon no one's going to maul me!! A little light scuffling, maybe--but not mauling!! (unless Sirius is there, you know him) I can take care of myself, and you can be there all the time, right? Freeeee driiiinnnkkssss for boyfriends of the bartenders!!
Comments 30
EG no pants underneath.
There's a lad.
First one to find where I hid my sgian dubh gets a cookie!!
not you, Sirius, you know all my best hiding places ~glare~
Oh, thats no fun at all, Wood.
So I assume the mates and I get free booze at your new place? Yes? Smashing?
That is not a sight a person wants to greet when they've woken up with a bloody great big hangover, and I've seen you clad in only foam (ahh that was a fun night).
see, you get hungover when you drink wi'out me. That'll show ya.
I know, oh woe is me, Ollie, you must teach me to drink properly again, I have wasted without you.
Far less dangerous than the auroring I was planning on going back to, aye? This way I can STILL be Shacklebolt and Tonks's paperwork slave, make money and play on the weekends. THE PERFECT PLAN!! ...except for the strange people licking me I suppose. BUT!! You, you are my one and true Perce and I don't actually LIKE anyone licking me but you! ~nod nod~
LOOKIT I even used our icon! aww!! AWW!
*eyebrow waggle*
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