Happiness - Days 5,6 & 7

Apr 21, 2009 14:08

First, I have an itch to bitch. This is the third day of temperatures over 97 degrees F. It's just plain wrong. It's April, not August! Yesterday, downtown Los Angeles broke temperature records set it 1956. *grumble*

That said, on to the happiness:

1. I'm happy that I have a car with air conditioning. I spent 7 years without it so I truly appreciate it now.

2. My house is clean.

3. Everything washable has been laundered & put away.

4. Chinese foot massage = HEAVEN

5. Strawberries plain, strawberries with brown sugar & sour cream & strawberry shortcake with ice cream.

6. Having one of my mostly non-english speaking classes "get it" & look beautiful/peaceful in their poses.

7. Still enjoying the "letting go" spurred by the smoke saturated book I mentioned in a previous post. Visted an our old neighborhood over the weekend & continued to remember good things.

8. Warm french bread from a nearby bakery.

9. Finished the Twilight series & picked up the latest Robert Crais novel at my favorite paperback exchange.

10. Joining two new LJ communities, ghost_signs & signs_n_wonders. Getting excited about finding & photographing signs for these communities. I've done this for myself forever but I didn't know any one else did. Also, window shopping for a better camera.

11. Bougainvillea in peak bloom - magenta, purple & red spilling over walls throughout the suburbs.

12. Having an extra, unexpected two hours off.

13. So much more! My lovely & kind LJ friends, RL friends, people that hug me for no apparent reason, my amazing Mom & of course, Annie.
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