[Something crashes against a wall, probably, exploding; the sound of broken crystal and metal indicates that it was probably a clock]
cantcontrolnononononononononourgeurrrrrrrGEEEE KILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLkIlLKIllKIllKilLkiLlKiLLKillKILL
This body is WRONG
it hurtsh
[Series of punches against the same wall, probably; the craking is hearable]
t h eeee h E a d h u RRR t s
musk illsomethingnownown ownownownownowownowonw onwownwonwon wownowonw
MUSTHURTSOMEONE penelope peneeeeeeelopeeeeee killpenelope p e neeee lo PE
[Something that doesn't sound human at all, a mix of a bark and a howl]
NONONO NO NO NO NO No no noononono NO nO On NOnonNnonOonNnonoNoNOnOn bad scylla
bad bad scylla no
i t
[Cries, but Scylla sounds more like a hurt puppy than anything. The cries slowly die, revealing a feral growl underneath. Movement, then a door is shut closed, and then probably the whole floor and the ones above and under Scylla's room will be able to hear how a door is TORN AWAY from it's place and broken into God knows how many pieces.]
[Silence. End of post]
[OOC: Any answer from her side will be solely noise, and failed attempts to make any sense.]